What are conical leaves?
Repair tool

What are conical leaves?

The pointed leaves gradually taper towards the tip. They tend to be shorter than straight leaves. The sheets have smooth, rounded edges for easy and safe handling.


What are conical leaves?Tapered sheets allow measurements in hard-to-reach places due to the design of the sliding cone. For this reason, they are often preferred by mechanics and maintenance personnel.
What are conical leaves?The conical stylus has a small tip radius. Here the sensor enters the wear gap and does not cover it. This allows a correct measurement to be made between rocker arm and valve stem.

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What are conical leaves?The narrower width design means curved surfaces can roll over tapering edges as the sensor slides into the gap. The two surfaces on either side of the tapered stylus tip may move so that they are closer to the edges of the stylus blade. This will not affect the measurement. Tapered sheets are best for measuring narrow gaps. (Where the pieces need to be a given distance apart for only a short distance).

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