What are pliers?
Repair tool

What are pliers?

Pliers are a hand tool used to grip and bend or fold small sections of hard but pliable material, especially lead, but also aluminum, copper, and zinc.
What are pliers?Seam pliers are also known as lead pliers, hand seaming pliers, crimping pliers and pliers.
What are pliers?Seam pliers are used primarily for roofing work, where they form a seam to join sheet metal panels together to cover a roof. Rolling tongs are also used to create a decorative finish or decorative seam ridge on sheet metal.

The pliers squeeze the edges of the metal to form a seal.

Sheet metal

What are pliers?Sheet metal is any metal that has been turned into thin, flat parts between 0.15 mm (0.01 in.) and 6.35 mm (0.25 in.) thick. It can then be cut and/or bent into various shapes.
What are pliers?

Sheet metal fastening

Compressing metal with pliers includes joining together separate pieces of sheet metal, either by bending any protruding parts, or by securing them, forming an edge.

What are pliers?
What are pliers?

Seam formation

When a single piece of metal is formed, the edges curl up and form a smooth seam.

What are pliers?Lead workers, especially roofers and plumbers, use pliers regularly, even daily. Pliers are an integral part of their toolbox.

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