What is a piston?
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What is a piston?

A plunger is a device that is used to remove blockages in pipelines.
What is a piston?It consists of a handle and a semicircular head.
What is a piston?Plungers vary in shape, and while they all serve the same purpose (clearing blockages), different types are available.

There are three main plunger types available:

What is a piston?cup plunger
What is a piston?Flanged Plunger
What is a piston?suction plunger
What is a piston? See Section:  What are the types of pistons? to get more information.

And two types of pressurized piston:

What is a piston?Power plunger - uses air to unblock drains
What is a piston?Hydrojet Pump – Uses water to unblock drains.

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