What is a file profile?
Repair tool

What is a file profile?

The term "profile" refers to whether the file narrows towards its point. Those that do are called "tapered" and those that do not are called "blunt".

dumb files

What is a file profile?The cross section of a blunt file does not change from the tip of the file to the heel where it will tilt to form a shank.
What is a file profile?Examples of this include a hand file, which retains the same rectangular cross-section throughout, and chainsaw files, which most often have a perfectly cylindrical body.
What is a file profile?

conical files

What is a file profile?The conical file tapers towards the tip. This may be in width, in thickness, or in both.
What is a file profile?Examples of tapered files include round files and three square files that taper in both width and thickness to a true point.

File width and thickness

What is a file profile?Measurements are not provided for the width or thickness of files. They only matter when talking about taper.
What is a file profile?


The width of a file is measured from the front of the file, as shown in the figure. In the case of round files, the width is the widest part of the file.

What is a file profile?


The thickness of a file is the depth of its edge. If the file is not flat, the thickness is measured as the deepest point of the file beyond one of the edges.

Why are some files narrowed?

What is a file profile?Some files are tapered so they are narrow enough and/or thin enough at the end to fit into small spaces or enlarge holes. For example, a round file can be used to enlarge a small hole.
What is a file profile?

Is it an advantage?

For some tasks, such as sharpening saws or working in tight spaces, this can be beneficial.

What is a file profile?However, for other purposes, such as shaping grooves or sharpening tools such as axes or knives, it may be preferable to have a blunt file so that the file thickness is uniform. This means you can use the full length of the tool without worrying about the cutting surface changing shape during the stroke.

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