What to replace and clean in the car in the spring?
Machine operation

What to replace and clean in the car in the spring?

Spring is coming. The singing of birds and the first rays of sunlight awaken us to life. It is worth taking advantage of this beautiful weather and giving your car a spring coup. After a difficult winter period, when our car was exposed to harmful external factors and excessive use associated with a wave of severe frost, it is worth checking if all systems are working properly and there is no need to change or add fluids. There are a few more items worth checking out, so there's no choice but to roll up your sleeves and have a great spring check!

What will you learn from this post?

• Why should you clean your car in the spring?

• When to replace summer tires?

• What to check in the brake system in the spring?

• What working fluids need to be changed in the spring?

• What filters should be checked in the car in the spring?

• When to replace wipers and car lamps?

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Spring is the time when everything comes alive. Your car also needs a routine inspection. You must clean it to get rid of dirt, salt and sand from the car body. Be sure to change your tires for summer ones - driving in winter leads to faster wear of tires and fuel. In addition to the engine oil, also check the coolant and brake fluid. Check the condition of the cabin and air filters, as well as replace the wipers and make sure the bulbs light up properly.

Great spring scrub

Where should I start? From a good scrub. After the winter, the car does not look very good visually. Not surprising - low temperatures outside the window make it impossible to clean itand not everyone is in favor of using a car wash. Therefore, when the first spring rays come out from behind the clouds, it is worth putting the car in the garden and washing it thoroughly. They will come in handy for this. special cosmetics, incl. shampoo for washing. Also, you may be thinking on improving the appearance of the car body - can be used for this Wax Oraz coloring pencils... If there is significant damage to the paintwork, then you should think about using a polishing paste... It's good to remember that Cleaning Oraz drainingbest used microfiber towels - absorb moisture Oraz they do not scratch the car body... Although many drivers skip washing their car after winter, please be aware that low temperatures Oraz ubiquitous salt on the road, very harmful to sensitive components Oraz varnish. This is why it is so important to get rid of their effects as well. how to saturate the car.

What to replace and clean in the car in the spring?

It's summer rubber time!

although in Poland there are no restrictions requiring replacement of tires for winter or summer ones, This aspect should not be neglected. When on thermometers the temperature starts to exceed the threshold of 7 ° C, you should start slowly thinking about it. Many drivers use the same tires all year round, even if they say otherwise. This is harmful, regardless of whether you use summer or winter tires all the time. What might be the consequences?

When it comes to overheat winter tiresthey can start skidding, both when starting off and when braking. This is a direct consequence affects the speed of the car's reaction when adding gas, pressing the brake, or steering wheel movements. It is also worth noting that riding with winter tires ends in the summer season. uneconomical. Winter tires are made from a softer compound that is included in the composition. a lot of silica and their tread is much deeper. It's on a trip creates more resistance, which directly leads to faster fuel consumption Oraz accelerated work.

Brakes - take care of your safety on the road

The most important layout in the car, of course, is this one. brake. It affects directly on road safety not only for the driver and passengers, but also for passers-by. The brakes need to be controlled, especially after a tough winter. They then end up in extremely harmful conditions. – low temperatures, ice, salt Oraz sand on the road. Their work can be checked in special workshops, paying special attention to brake fluid boiling point... It is also good to check if also there are no leaks from the shock absorbers, Whether the brake discs are suitable for further use. After picking up the car, you can check so that the components of the system do not rub against each other. If so, find the reason. This could be due to the accumulation of debris between the brake pads and the fork. Chafing may also occur due to damage to the piston dust covers Or clamp guides... If this problem is not cleared up quickly, it may become faster. wear of brakes, fuel Oraz overheating of the system, which is directly related to a decrease in its efficiency.

Not just oil - check the level of all fluids

Hearing: replacement of working fluids immediately comes to mind machine oil... Although it's ok this is not the only thing to check.

As for the oil itself, then its the exchange is somewhat controversial. Why? Because you can meet with two views on when it should be replaced. Professionals who say so this must be done before winter begins, they claim that in the most severe conditions, the engine requires better lubrication, especially if it is supposed to work flawlessly at -25 ° C.

Professionals recommending spring oil change, they say that this allows you to get rid of the fluid, the quality of which is significantly understated. Low temperature oil collects a lot of impurities inside, which significantly reduces its cost.

Whom to listen to? There is no middle ground, it is better to adapt to a group whose arguments are more convincing. It really is a difference of 3 months, which does not significantly affect the quality of engine operation. However, this action must not be forgotten - although there is an opinion that oil can be changed every 2 years, manufacturers add that this period is significantly reduced if the car is operated in difficult conditions. The latter include: driving short distances, standing in traffic jams, low temperatures Oraz the presence of sand, salt on the road i holes... Unfortunately, this is a Polish reality, so an oil change is required at least once a year.

In addition to oil, it is also worth it check the status Oraz brake and coolant levels. This is also important Washer fluid - if there is winter washer fluid in the reservoir, it must be replaced with summer washer fluid. The former can handle it better low temperatures, but the latter removes greasy stains better, more importantly in spring and summer.

Filters - get rid of harmful germs

There are many filters in the carHowever, after the end of the winter season, it is worth paying attention first of all to Cabin Filter Oraz air. The old one should be replaced Twice a year, because it accumulates in it many microorganisms, который they pollute the air Oraz exacerbate symptoms associated with allergies... The air filter must be changed according to the manufacturer's recommendations. Gets dirty more often in summer, however, it is recommended that you check its status from time to time, as you may find that it after winter, his condition requires intervention. Plus, control will be useful too. air conditioning system – an evaporator is an element that collects all impurities, which have not been removed by the cabin filter.

Windshield wipers and bulbs – visibility!

Difficult autumn and winter conditions speed up the work of the wipers. Driving with damaged components is incompatible with high danger Oraz the risk of receiving a large fine. How do you know if your wipers need to be replaced? if instead of being absorbed into the feathers, water runs down the glass in rivulets, a sign that the wiper blades are not picking up properly. Manufacturers predict that wipers need to be changed every six months - the rubber of the blades quickly presses, and as one of the elements that provide the driver with a good view, their condition should not be objectionable.

What to replace and clean in the car in the spring?

The last points to check with the arrival of spring are: bulbs. if burn out Or weak, they need to be replaced. Like the wipers their poor condition, if checked on the road, may result in a fine, and additionally in bad weather, the vehicle becomes difficult for other drivers to see. It is important to note that These elements should be replaced in pairs - due to this, the quantity and quality of the emitted light are the same.

With the arrival of spring worth checking your car... This way you can be sure that Your driving is completely safe and you will not experience any unpleasant surprises.... If you did spring review and you are looking for car cleaning products, engine oil, light bulbs or wipers, be sure to check out NOCAR's offer. Please!

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Cut it out,

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