Cyberbike: This electric motorcycle is inspired by the Tesla Cybertruck
Individual electric transport

Cyberbike: This electric motorcycle is inspired by the Tesla Cybertruck

Cyberbike: This electric motorcycle is inspired by the Tesla Cybertruck

Taking advantage of the very angular styling of a California-based electric pickup truck, YouTube Casey Neistat has developed his own Tesla Cyberbike. 

A true phenomenon in the automotive world, Tesla Cybertruck has inspired many designers. While the Russians were amusing themselves by playing the model in a thermal imaging version, Youtubeur Casey Neistat went further, adapting the concept to an electric two-wheeled vehicle. In a video that quickly went viral on the Internet, Youtubeur replays a Cybertruck presentation in which the manufacturer tries unsuccessfully to prove the model's durability by firing a projectile.

World's first Tesla Cyberbike

On the technical side, Casey Neistat simply "dressed" the bike from an electric prototype provided by California-based startup Super73. In his video, YouTuber has no shortage of humor regarding the quality of his creation, not hesitating to criticize the rough finish, lack of maneuverability and inability to use blowers ...

Cyberbike: This electric motorcycle is inspired by the Tesla Cybertruck

Cyberbike: This electric motorcycle is inspired by the Tesla Cybertruck

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