DĄBROWA GÓRNICZA. The first SK Innovation lithium-ion cell plant in Poland was launched. There will be three more:
Energy and battery storage

DĄBROWA GÓRNICZA. The first SK Innovation lithium-ion cell plant in Poland was launched. There will be three more:

SK IE Technology, a subsidiary of SK Innovation, has officially announced on the commissioning of the first plant in Poland for the production of lithium-ion separators. The separator is the part that separates the two electrodes; in modern lithium-ion cells, this is usually a polymer sponge impregnated with an electrolyte. SK Innovation cells are used by, among others, Kia Automobiles.

SK Innovation in Poland

SK Group (Innovation) is the third largest chibol in South Korea. The group covers the chemical, petrochemical, semiconductor (see Hynix) and energy-related industries. As part of the lithium-ion battery group has developed exceptionally in recent years, it has been spun off into a separate company: SK On.

SK Innovation cells are used, in particular, in Kia, although the group is gradually forging cooperation with other car manufacturers, including Volkswagen and Ford.

The manufacturer announced that in the fourth quarter of 2021 a separator plant will be launched in Dбbrowa Gornicza, which will be operated by its subsidiary SK IE Technology. The decision to build it was made in November 2018 and is now officially open. It is already known that Three more SK IE Technology plants will be built in Poland. Their construction is planned in Silesia, commissioning - in 2023-2024 (source).

DĄBROWA GÓRNICZA. The first SK Innovation lithium-ion cell plant in Poland was launched. There will be three more:

The plant in Dбbrowa Gornicza will produce a total of 340 million square meters of separators, which should be enough for batteries up to 300 thousand electric vehicles.... All SK IE Technology factories in the world will ultimately produce 2 million square meters of separators, which equates to batteries for 730 million electric vehicles.

DĄBROWA GÓRNICZA. The first SK Innovation lithium-ion cell plant in Poland was launched. There will be three more:

The separators are already “supplied to the main cell manufacturers”, so they are not only used by SK Innovation / SK On. The company can boast of orders for products from the third and fourth factories (!), Which will be launched only in 2-3 years. And he cites data that show that The European battery market will grow from 82 GWh of cells this year to 410 GWh of cells in 2026..

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