Decalamination: work and price

Decalamination: work and price

Descaling engine is to remove carbon that builds up as a result of the combustion of your engine. This is usually done with a hydrogen station, but descaling agents are also available. Descaling can be done in a therapeutic or prophylactic way.

👨‍🔧 What is descaling?

Decalamination: work and price

As the name implies, descaling consists of removing carbon deposits from your vehicle components by deep cleaning inside. Thus, it breaks down into 2 actions:

  • Eliminating the cause ;
  • Calamine removal.

Specifically, the operation consists of cleaning the vehicle, identifying and then eliminating the cause of carbon deposits in order to prevent it from reforming. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a complete analysis of the vehicle:

  • Identification of defective components such as a particulate filter;
  • Measurement of oil levels and their quality;
  • Correct function of the exhaust gas recirculation valve.

🔧 What types of descaling are there?

Decalamination: work and price

There are several types of descaling:

  • Manuel This involves disassembling each part of the engine in turn to remove the carbon blocks. This method is tedious and radical. It should only be used if your engine is damaged.
  • chemical : The chemical operation causes the cleaning agent to be injected directly into the injection system when the engine is idling.
  • Hydrogen : it is about performing the same action without a chemical product by injecting hydrogen through a special station, which can simply be called a descaling station.

Chemical descaling can be preventative, not just curative, and you can do it yourself. It's really a matter of pouring the cleaner into your tank.

More sophisticated manual descaling and more efficient hydrogen descaling are performed in your garage.

🚗 Why descale?

Decalamination: work and price

La calamine is a carbonaceous residue. This is due to the accumulation of unburned hydrocarbons (diesel fuel, oil), which are deposited on the walls of the engine until it is completely clogged, which prevents it from working properly.

It appears in cylinders and valves after engine combustion. Very often, poor fuel quality, short repetitive trips or low engine revs contribute to its appearance.

Here are a few signs that can confuse you:

  • of starting difficulties vehicle;
  • One excessive fuel consumption ;
  • of vibrations when braking;
  • from black smoke while loading.

Therefore, in order to avoid all these symptoms, it is necessary to descale. This cleaning also extends the life of your engine and can save you costly replacement of carbon-damaged parts.

📍 Where to descale?

Decalamination: work and price

You can descale with a cleaning agent. at your house... All you have to do is pour the product into the tank following the instructions for use.

Any other type of descaling requires garage... Indeed, manual descaling requires significant mechanical disassembly, while hydrogen descaling requires a hydrogen station.

Descaling can be done both in a car center and in a concession or in a separate garage. So feel free to compare garages to find yours.

💶 How much does it cost to descale your car?

Decalamination: work and price

If you want to descale yourself, the price of the cleaning agent will be from 20 to 70 € O. For professional hydrogen descaling at a descaling station that is more efficient, count slightly less than 100 € average.

Now you know the importance of descaling! To prevent carbon build-up in your car, drive at high revs periodically. You can also use a preventive descaler once a year.

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