Why should you always have a newspaper in your car?
Useful tips for motorists

Why should you always have a newspaper in your car?

Drivers who have barely received the coveted “crust” are convinced that a smartphone will help them out in an emergency, and littering the car with “trinkets” that will come in handy at best once in a lifetime is the lot of pensioners. No matter how! In the "alarm suitcase" of experienced motorists, you can find a lot of useful items, including an ordinary newspaper. How sophisticated drivers use “waste paper” in cars, the AvtoVzglyad portal found out.

The problem of vile slush, which inevitably gets into the car interior along with the driver and passengers in the cold season, has always been a headache for car owners. It is now on store shelves that you can find newfangled "autopampers" and practical rugs with bumpers for every taste and budget, and our grandfathers fought the "dirty" scourge with simple newspapers.

Everyone knows that moisture lingering in the carpet is harmful to the car: it creates a favorable environment for corrosion to occur on the bottom. And in order not to provoke the appearance of rust, it is necessary to ensure that the liquid does not accumulate on the floor. But how to do it? You can spend money on the same rugs, or you can - if the budget does not allow otherwise - lay out a newspaper under your feet, preferably in several layers.

However, it is unlikely that this method of using a newspaper in a car has become a discovery for you, and therefore we hasten to move on to the next ones.

Why should you always have a newspaper in your car?


Many prudent drivers use old newspaper when they need to transport fragile or "voiced" items. So that they are not damaged in the trunk and do not torment the inhabitants of the car with annoying “songs”, they are carefully wrapped in paper - bottles, dishes and other “delicate” objects reach their destination safe and sound.


How do you clean glass from the inside? Dusty rags that are not even intended for cleaning plastic, wet wipes that leave stains, or paper towels that lose small particles on the glass? If you don't have a microfiber cloth in your car, try using newspaper. Fold the sheet several times, “walk” over the surface and enjoy the cleanliness.


After all, the newspaper will come to your rescue when you park badly and need to leave your phone number under the windshield. Of course, a blank sheet of paper is better suited for these purposes, but in the absence of one, you can also resort to a printed publication.

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