MRF 170 cc Kayo engine - thanks to it you will assemble a professional motorcycle for pit bikes
Motorcycle Operation

MRF 170 cc Kayo engine - thanks to it you will assemble a professional motorcycle for pit bikes

Almost everyone can afford a professional racing motorcycle on a pit bike because of the low prices for equipment. However, this sport owes its popularity to other factors. Of great importance here is the fact that the entire machine can be designed and assembled independently. The Kayo engineers engine was created for the MRF pit bike models. In the later part of the article, you will read what characterizes this motor.

What makes Kayo's MRF 170 pit bike engine different?

Kayo is a Chinese company that has been cooperating with the largest SUV manufacturers from around the world for more than twenty years. The president of the company has gained more than ten years of experience at Honda. Kayo focuses on high quality SUVs and is a responsible manufacturer. Unsurprisingly, the Kayo-powered MRF170 was received with great enthusiasm. We will introduce you to its most important parameters and advantages.

Equip your MRF pit bike with the more powerful k170 drive.

From the engine 170 cu.³ 3 horsepower more than the 140cc version.³. With a low weight of pit bikes, a power of 15 hp. allows you to achieve satisfactory results and gain an advantage over competitors during the competition. It features new contactless ignition and improved foot start. yx170 k170 four stroke single cylinder oil cooled engine is suitable for all MRF machines.

Why equip your pit bike with a Kayo engine?

The manufacturer is reliable and creates the best SUVs in the world. By choosing the MRF 170 engine, you gain confidence in all conditions and years of trouble-free operation. On the other hand, more power will improve your performance in competitions as well as enhance recreational driving dynamics.

The MRF 170 engine is a reliable unit if you are looking for a pit bike unit. Power is combined with uptime, so it is definitely worth looking for on the market.

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