Wipers. Problems and Solutions
Car device

Wipers. Problems and Solutions

    Car windshield wipers seem to many to be a detail that does not have to be paid close attention. The fact that wipers require maintenance and can cause problems is only remembered when they start to act up.

    And this usually happens at the most inopportune moment - during a downpour or snowfall. They suddenly start to get stuck, smear dirt on the glass, or simply refuse to function. Due to the sharp deterioration in visibility, driving becomes difficult and even dangerous. Then it becomes clear that the wipers are not a secondary thing at all, but an important element of safety.

    Therefore, every motorist should know what troubles windshield wipers can cause and how to solve them.

    Uneven glass cleaning

    This is one of the most common wiper problems. Most often, it is associated with the wear of cilia - rubber blades that directly slide on the glass. Two longitudinal edges work alternately when the brush moves in one direction or the other. Gradually they are erased and lose the ability to capture all the dirt and water.

    As a result, the glass is cleaned unevenly, leaving stains on it. In this case, you need to replace the rubber bands or wipers completely. Don't wait until the lash is so worn out that its working part starts to come off. This can cause your windshield to be scratched.

    Streaks on the glass often appear due to dirt adhering to the cilia. Try washing the brushes with soapy water, and then wipe the rubber with alcohol.

    Another cause of streaks on glass can be cracks in the rubber. Typically, cracks occur when the brushes move over glass that has dry dirt on it, and in winter over a frozen surface. In the second case, the solution may be to buy graphite-coated wipers.

    If drops of water remain on the glass despite the operation of the wiper, do not rush to blame the wipers. They are not able to remove water from glass covered with greasy dirt. Most likely, you just need to wash and dry the glass well so that the accumulated dirt does not retain water and prevent the wipers from doing their job.

    It happens that large cloudy or greasy spots appear on the glass, which are not removed by the wipers. It is possible that oil or other viscous liquid has got on the brushes. Try to clean and degrease the brushes, and wash the glass with cleaning products. If the problem persists, it is likely that the wipers are loose on the glass due to deformation. In this case, they will have to be replaced.

    For frame wipers, the cause of uneven cleaning may be worn or dirty frame hinges. The rubber blades are unevenly pressed against the glass and stains may remain on the glass. Try cleaning the hinges. If that doesn't work, then the wipers need to be replaced. Frameless windshield wipers are free from this drawback.

    Looseness, jerking and jamming

    The looseness of the wipers will make itself felt with a characteristic knock. In frame wipers, the leash on which the brush is attached is most often loosened. The reason may also be in the mount adapter. As a result, when the car is moving at high speed, the air flow is able to lift the brush.

    If jerks are observed in the movement of the wipers, first diagnose and adjust the position of the brushes relative to the glass and the degree of pressure. It will take a set of minutes and the problem will probably be solved. Otherwise, you will have to remove the trapezoid, clean and lubricate its hinges. also diagnose the ease of rotation of the engine, it may also need lubrication. And, of course, do not forget about the reducer. The clamp can be adjusted by slightly bending the leash with pliers.

    If the wipers jam at the start, park in an arbitrary position or fly out of the glass, running into the seal, then this usually indicates wear of the levers or gearbox, play in the trapezium bushings and other problems with the drive. Most likely, cleaning and lubrication will not be possible. If you ignore the situation, the problem may be aggravated by the failure of the internal combustion engine.

    Abnormal operation of the wipers in different modes can also be caused by problems in the electrics and control circuit. diagnose the relays, brushes of the ICE of the drive, make sure the contacts in the connector through which power is supplied to the ICE are reliable.

    It happens that the wipers do not return to their original position due to incorrect operation of the ICE limit switch.

    In addition, the reason for the non-standard behavior of the wipers can be installation errors.

    Features of operation in winter

    In winter, frost, snow and icing add to the hassle of windshield wipers. Often, the wipers freeze tightly to the glass, and then, when turned on, two options are possible. If the drive ICE is powerful enough, it can tear off the brushes, but the rubber bands will most likely be irreparably damaged. In the second option, the brushes will remain in place, and the internal combustion engine will burn out due to a sharply increased load.

    To avoid such troubles, you need to moisten the rubber bands of the brush with non-freezing windshield washer fluid. This will clear them of ice and make them more elastic, the brushes will function normally without scratching the glass. It is even better to take the brushes home at night, and the drive joints to function with WD-40.

    Some advise to smear the rubber bands with silicone, which will not allow the brushes to freeze. But you should not do this if you do not want road dirt to stick to the silicone, and then fall on the glass, staining and scratching it. Moreover, you should not use internal combustion engine oil, which will then have to be removed from the glass with a solvent.

    It is absolutely unacceptable to use hot water to fight ice. Of course, it will be possible to release the brushes, but the windshield may not withstand a sharp temperature drop and crack.

    Is it possible to extend the life of the wipers

    Since the cost of wipers is not so high, many drivers prefer not to think about this issue and change the brushes regularly - in autumn and spring - or as they wear out.

    But if you still want to protect the wipers from premature wear, you need to follow some simple rules.

    The windshield wipers should be set to the intensity of the rain. Don't forget to use a washer.

    Avoid running dry. When rubbing against a dry glass surface, the working edges of the rubber blades wear out quickly. From time to time, remove the dirt that accumulates in the lower part of the windshield, where the wipers are parked.

    Clean your glass regularly and keep it free of dirt, snow and ice to keep your cilia free of blemishes.

    The right choice of brushes

    The wrong choice of brushes for replacement can lead to incorrect operation of the wiper.

    Some manufacturers use non-standard mounts. As a result, although the latches fix the wipers on a leash, the brushes still hang out.

    Some drivers experiment by installing larger brushes than intended. As a result, they either simply do not fit into the dimensions of the windshield and cling to the seal, or increase the load on the internal combustion engine and the drive as a whole. The result may be slow or jerky movement.

    AeroTwin frameless brushes are practical and reliable and can be recommended for use. But if your windshield has a large curvature, they may not fit snugly enough to the surface, which will adversely affect the quality of cleaning.

    Don't buy cheap low quality brushes. It will be a waste of money. They will not last long, and in some cases will be completely unusable.

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