Two-lane roundabout and traffic rules - how to drive by the rules?
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Two-lane roundabout and traffic rules - how to drive by the rules?

Interestingly, you can learn more about roundabouts in court decisions than in traffic rules. This is because a two-lane roundabout (and indeed any other roundabout) is briefly described in the regulations. The rules in force on it follow from the general rules of conduct at intersections. And here comes the problem. However, don't worry. We are here to solve this problem! Read and clear your doubts.

Priority at a two-lane roundabout - who has it?

The main thing is the moment of entry to the roundabout. It is usually preceded by signs C-12 (denoting a roundabout) and A-7 ("give way"). It is then natural that you must give way to vehicles already at the roundabout before entering it. Otherwise, you will put yourself and other drivers at risk due to crossing the right-of-way. Unfortunately, at two-lane roundabouts, such accidents often occur due to absent-mindedness or inattention of drivers.

Entering a two-lane roundabout without a sign?

Two-lane roundabout and traffic rules - how to drive according to the rules?

Sometimes it may happen that you will not see the A-7 sign before entering the roundabout. What to do then? Think of a two-lane roundabout as parallel intersection and give way to a vehicle on your right that is also about to enter the roundabout. Of course, you don't have to stop and let the cars pass. It's just about entering the roundabout at the same time. But what if you want to change lanes already at the intersection?

Two-lane roundabout - who has priority?

If you watch videos of drivers with various traffic incidents, then you probably know that many of them exceed a two-lane roundabout. By law, a driver of a vehicle in the left lane must give way to vehicles in the right lane if they wish to exit the roundabout. Theoretically, it is very simple and transparent. In practice, however, few people take this provision into account, and a conflict arises. How to avoid it? Before leaving the roundabout, make sure there are no other vehicles in the right lane. If there is, and they are walking right past your exit, give way to them. Otherwise, you will force it.

Two-lane roundabout - how to drive by the rules?

While there are no major problems at a single-lane roundabout, slightly different rules apply at two- and multi-lane roundabouts. In such cases, do not forget:

  • when driving to the right, move in the right lane;
  • When going straight or left, drive in the left lane.

A two-lane roundabout is characterized by the fact that it can be used by vehicles in two lanes. However, you can see that drivers generally stick to the right one because they think it's the safest.

Regulation on two-lane roundabout and road markings

Two-lane roundabout and traffic rules - how to drive according to the rules?

It will be much easier for you if you pay attention to the lines drawn on the road. Driving on a two-lane roundabout becomes much more pleasant and understandable. These intersections are usually much easier to navigate if drivers are willing to follow the horizontal signs. A special type of two-lane roundabout is the turbine version. In it, the traffic flows do not intersect, which additionally contributes to the smoothness of movement and makes movement without collisions.

Rules for driving on a two-lane roundabout and exit from it

This is where the most controversy occurs. This is influenced by some common beliefs that have little to do with reality. It is accepted, for example, that you need to leave the roundabout only on the right side of the traffic lane. This is a mistake, because according to the rules and signs, a vehicle turning or moving in the left lane can leave the roundabout. In addition, some mistakenly believe that a two-lane roundabout gives priority to anyone leaving it. Why not? Anyone leaving the roundabout from the left lane must give way to vehicles traveling in the right lane.

How to drive safely on a two-lane roundabout?

Two-lane roundabout and traffic rules - how to drive according to the rules?

There are patterns of behavior that do not break the law, but can make life difficult for other drivers. What is it really about? Firstly, it is possible to constantly drive in a circle, not paying attention to others. In principle, there is no law that would prevent you from constantly driving in circles. But such fun is not funny and not useful for others. Secondly, you can go around and turn around at the roundabout, moving only along the right lane. This should not be done, because there is a left lane for a U-turn, but in practice, drivers often do this. In addition, when leaving the roundabout, it is better to take the right lane in advance, and not leave the left.

Double roundabout - who has the right-of-way?

There is another point worth mentioning in the case of the two-lane roundabout. This is a priority in the tram company. Does he have the right to enter every time? Of course not. If a tram enters a roundabout, and signs and traffic lights do not prescribe otherwise, you have the right to pass through it. Another thing is when the tram leaves the roundabout. Then this vehicle has the right of way, and if your roads intersect, you must give way to it.

Two-lane roundabout entry and turn signals

This is another problem that keeps young trainees awake at night. Why they? Many of them are still learning how to turn on their left turn signal before entering a two-lane roundabout. So they drive through the entire roundabout, and before leaving, turn on the right flasher to announce the exit from the intersection. Many future drivers failed the test due to the lack of a left turn signal, and some cases went to court. So what should be done?

When to use a turn signal at a two-lane roundabout?

Two-lane roundabout and traffic rules - how to drive according to the rules?

There are two situations where blinders make sense:

  • lane change;
  • ring exit.

Why? Because of the rules for turning on turn signals. The rules of the road say that you must inform them of every change of direction. But when you enter a roundabout, do you change direction? No. Therefore, it is not necessary to activate the left turn signal. When leaving a roundabout, things are different because then you leave the intersection and change direction. So you need to warn other drivers about this in advance with the right turn signal.

Turn signal at two-lane roundabout and lane change

This is the second of the above situations where you need to turn on the indicator. A two-lane roundabout (if traffic flows intersect on it) allows you to change lanes. The dotted lines visible at the intersection give you the right to do so. You must use your turn signal when changing lanes. This is very important because you ensure the safety of yourself and those around you during the maneuver. Otherwise, precedence and collision may occur.

Why are there problems with proper driving at a two-lane roundabout?

When a driver enters a one-lane roundabout, things are usually simple. It signals the exit and, if necessary, gives way earlier. However, a two-lane roundabout makes some drivers suddenly forget about the rules of the road. And it is very simple and does not require extraordinary driving skills. Every driver should keep these basic points in mind when driving on a multi-lane roundabout:

  • take the appropriate lane in the direction of travel;
  • give way before entering (exception - the tram has priority when leaving the roundabout);
  • exit the roundabout into the right lane;
  • if you are changing lanes, turn on the turn signal;
  • give way to anything in the right lane before leaving the roundabout in the left lane;

The most common cause of accidents at roundabouts is overtaking. So remind yourself from time to time of the tips above regarding priority and general behavior at a two-lane roundabout. Then you do not risk damaging your and someone else's car.

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