An experiment with serious consequences: what happens if you pour gear oil into an engine?
Tips for motorists

An experiment with serious consequences: what happens if you pour gear oil into an engine?

To service the main components of a modern car, various types of motor oils are used. Each lubricant has a class, approvals, type, certification, etc. In addition, there is a difference between engine oil and gearbox oil. Therefore, many are wondering: what will happen if you accidentally fill in gear oil instead of engine oil?

Myths come from the USSR

The idea is not new and originates from the 50s of the last century, when cars were no longer a rarity. In those days, there was no strict distribution between transmission and engine oil. For all units, one type of lubricant was used. Later, foreign cars began to appear on the roads, which radically differed in their design characteristics, which required a different approach to maintenance.

At the same time, new lubricants have appeared, made according to modern requirements and standards to increase the resource of components and assemblies. Now engines and gearboxes are modern and high-tech equipment that requires careful handling.

Unfortunately, even today, some car owners believe that if you pour the transmission into the engine, nothing bad will happen. This phenomenon is indeed practiced, but not at all in order to extend the life of the power plant.

An experiment with serious consequences: what happens if you pour gear oil into an engine?

Coking: one of the unfortunate consequences of the action of gearbox oil

Gearbox oil has a thicker consistency than enterprising resellers actively use when selling a car with a dying internal combustion engine. Due to the increase in the viscosity of the lubricant, it will begin to work smoothly for some time, the hum and knock can practically disappear. Compression also increases and fuel consumption decreases, but the effect is temporary and this cannot be done.

Such a filling is enough for an inexperienced motorist to buy a car and drive several hundred kilometers, less often enough for one thousand. Next is a major overhaul or a complete replacement of the power unit.

Gear oil in the engine: what are the consequences?

Nothing good will happen to the engine if you pour gearbox oil into it. It is important to bear in mind that this applies to any type, it does not matter whether it is a gasoline engine or a diesel engine. It can be a domestic car or an imported one. In the case of topping up such a liquid, the following consequences can be expected:

  1. Burnout and coking of gear oil. The motor operates in high temperature conditions, for which the transmission fluid is not intended. Oil channels, filters will quickly become clogged.
  2. Overheat. The coolant will not be able to quickly remove excess heat from the cylinder block due to carbon deposits on the walls, as a result of scuffing and severe wear of rubbing parts - it is only a matter of time.
  3. Leaks. Due to excessive density and viscosity, the oil will squeeze out the camshaft and crankshaft oil seals.
  4. Catalyst failure. Due to wear and tear, oil will begin to enter the combustion chambers, and from there into the exhaust manifold, where it will fall on the catalyst, causing it to melt and, as a result, fail.
    An experiment with serious consequences: what happens if you pour gear oil into an engine?

    Molten catalyst to be replaced

  5. Intake manifold. It happens infrequently, but if it happens, then it is imperative to clean the throttle assembly, without this the car will not be able to move normally even after the engine has been completely flushed and cleaned of gear oil.
  6. Failure of spark plugs. These elements will be showered with burnt oil, which will lead to their inoperability.

Video: Is it possible to pour gear oil into the engine - a good example

What happens if you pour gear oil into the engine? Just about complex

In the end, the power unit will completely fail, it will need to be repaired or completely replaced. Gearbox oil and internal combustion engine oil are completely different products, both in composition and in purpose. These are not interchangeable liquids, and if there is no desire to restore the performance of the most important components in the car, then it is better to fill them with the compositions recommended by the manufacturer.

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