Electric and Hybrid Cars: How Many of You Really Believe It?
Electric cars

Electric and Hybrid Cars: How Many of You Really Believe It?

A recent study by the firm Ernst & Young clearly shows that more and more people are in favor of so-called "alternative" propulsion systems.

The results are fairly straightforward: in a sample of 4000 people surveyed in China, Europe, Japan, and the United States, it turned out that 25% of them will see themselves driving a plug-in hybrid or all-electric car. (ready to buy).

The current trend is that it is the Chinese who show the greatest interest for this type of alternative vehicles. Here are the distributions of interest for electric and hybrid vehicles:

China matters 60% people interested in considering a purchase.

Europe matters 22%.

In the United States, there is only 13%.

And in Japan there is only 8%.

There are many main reasons for encouraging people to switch to a green car:

89% of them believe it is a reliable fuel saving solution.

67% of them think it will help preserve the environment.

58% view this as an opportunity to benefit from subsidies and tax aid provided by the respective governments.

When we look at these numbers in a broader context, they represent the potential for more than 50 million motorists to be sustainable. But in any case, this survey also revealed several gray areas that could harm the “proliferation of electric vehicles”.

The cost of vehicles, battery autonomy, and the lack of infrastructure to house and support a fleet of electric vehicles are areas that car manufacturers and stakeholders will need to work on.to trigger a click in populations.

In addition to the adopted strategies for marketing this technology (renting or selling cars / batteries) are not unanimous.

source: larep

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