Motorcycle Device

Electrical breakdowns on a motorcycle

. electrical crashes on motorcycle should not be neglected and requires urgent intervention. Even if you manage to start the car and drive with it, this does not mean that the problem is not so serious. Vice versa! If you are unable to quickly diagnose the cause of the crashes, you may run into more complex problems, including the destruction of all of your equipment.

How to determine the cause of the problem? What are the possible reasons? Learn how to respond to electrical faults on your motorcycle.

Electrical breakdowns on a motorcycle - Diagnosis

The first thing to do if your motorcycle has a power failure is to try and determine where exactly the problem is coming from.

What to check if a power outage occurs on a motorcycle

In this particular case, there are 4 possibilities. And to make a diagnosis, you need to check them in turn:

  • Battery
  • Circuit breakers
  • The wiring

Tools needed to make a diagnosis

To inspect your motorcycle and determine the cause of the power outage, you will need the following tools and equipment:

  • Multimeter
  • Pilot light
  • New light bulb
  • Circuit breakers
  • Soldering iron

How to fix electrical faults on a motorcycle?

Of course, the repairs required will depend on the source of the problem.

Electrical breakdowns on a motorcycle due to a battery

In most cases, power outage problems are almost always battery-related. To be sure, let's start with check current arrival and return to ground... Take a multimeter and check the voltage at the battery terminals. If it is greater than or equal to 12 volts, this means that the battery is working normally and there are no particular problems. Otherwise, it should be possible to recharge or even replace it.

Electrical failures due to fuses

If the battery is ok, switch to the fuses. Their role is to protect your circuit from electrical overload, after a certain time they melt, which can cause breakdown. Also, be sure to first determine the cause of the short circuit before troubleshooting. This usually happens due to poor contact, or poor connection in the circuit where the fuse has blown. Find your way with bare wires, but also see if the terminal is disconnected. Once you find the culprit, make the necessary repairs using a soldering iron and tin wire. If you find the wire is too worn out to function normally again, choose a replacement.

Electrical breakdowns on a motorcycle due to a ground problem

The problem with motorcycles is that the circuitry and the equipment that composes it are not weatherproof. Result: they rust and stop flowing. This is especially true for the wire that is connected to the frame. We also easily recognize mass defects when the bulbs dim every time you brake. To repair and prevent this kind of thing, remember to regularly clean the terminals on the frame. Also take the time to replace the frame-to-battery cable.

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