Do electric dryers produce carbon monoxide?
Tools and Tips

Do electric dryers produce carbon monoxide?

If you think your electric dryer may be emitting carbon monoxide, which can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning, the article below will cover the risks and some frequently asked questions.

Without a doubt, carbon monoxide inhalation can be fatal. This is why most people use these electric dryers with some hesitation. You must do the same. And you may be hesitant to buy an electric dryer just because of the carbon monoxide problem.

In general, if you use an electric dryer, you don't have to worry about carbon monoxide. Electric dryers do not produce carbon monoxide at all. However, when using a gas dryer, you will have to worry about carbon monoxide emissions.

Read the article below and get a clear answer.

Can electric dryers produce carbon monoxide?

If you are considering investing in an electric dryer and are still struggling to make a decision due to a CO issue, here is a simple and direct answer.

Electric dryers do not emit carbon monoxide. So, if you're worried about carbon monoxide poisoning, you can dispel those doubts. Using electric dryers is absolutely safe for you and your environment.

To understand this, firstly, you should know about the working mechanism of electric dryers.

How do electric dryers work?

An electric dryer works by heating a ceramic or metal element - this heating process is carried out with the help of passing electricity. The ceramic or metal element is similar to large coils or the heating element of an electric oven. Thus, burning gas or oil in an electric dryer is useless, which means there is no formation of carbon monoxide.

Carbon monoxide can only be produced by burning gas and oil. So, if you have such a device at home, you may need to take the necessary steps. But gas dehumidifiers can release carbon monoxide, and I'll cover that later in the article.

Quick-Tip: Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless gas. Because of this, most people refer to CO as the silent killer, and incomplete combustion of fuel results in CO.

A few things you should be concerned about when using an electric dryer

However, there are a few things you should be concerned about when using an electric dryer. For example, when electric dryers are running, they produce moist air and lint. Over time, the above combination will accumulate and cause serious damage to your property.

Hence, to avoid all this, use the electric dryer only in a well-ventilated area. It will greatly control humidity and lint burning.

Is carbon monoxide dangerous for your health?

Yes, indeed, carbon monoxide inhalation can lead to serious health problems. When exposed to carbon monoxide, you get sick and exhibit flu-like symptoms. If treatment is not started on time, carbon monoxide poisoning can be fatal.

Quick-Tip: According to the CDC, 400 people die each year from unintentional carbon monoxide poisoning.

Problem with gas dryers

All gas appliances in your home can emit carbon monoxide, including gas dryers. So if you are using a gas dryer, you must be especially careful. And make sure the room is well ventilated.

Also, maintain all gas appliances properly. With proper care, you can prevent the formation of carbon monoxide. For example, check the furnace heating wire annually.

With that in mind, these gas and non-gas appliances can produce carbon monoxide in your home:

  • laundry dryer
  • Furnaces or boilers
  • Water heaters
  • Gas stoves and ovens
  • Fireplace (both wood and gas)
  • Grills, power tools, generators, garden equipment
  • Wood stoves
  • motor transport
  • Tobacco smoke

Quick-Tip: Sources of carbon monoxide formation are not always gas appliances. For example, even a wood-burning stove can produce it.

How do gas dryers produce carbon monoxide?

Understanding the formation of carbon monoxide in gas dryers will help you avoid the dangers. Gas is a by-product of the fossil fuel combustion process. Hence, when a gas dryer uses its gas burner, the by-product will always be inside the dryer.

Most often, these appliances use propane as a fossil fuel. When propane is burned, carbon monoxide is produced.

Is using a gas dryer risky or not?

Using a gas dryer comes with some risks. But all this can be avoided by properly caring for a gas dryer. Typically, any carbon monoxide is produced by a gas dryer that is routed to the dryer's ventilation system. The dryer vent must direct the CO out.

As you understand, you must send one end of the vent to the outside, and connect the other end to the outlet of the gas dryer.

Should I keep the electric dryer air vent outside?

Not necessary. As you already know, electric dryers do not emit carbon monoxide and you will be safe from any fatalities. But it's always better to direct the dryer's ventilation system to the outside, whether it's an electric dryer or a gas dryer.

Safety measures

Here are some precautions to be taken when using electric or gas dryers.

  • Place the dryer in a well ventilated area.
  • Service your dryer regularly.
  • Always check the ventilation system for blockages.
  • Regular cleaning of the air vents of the dryer is essential.
  • Install a carbon monoxide detector in the drying room.
  • If you are using a gas dryer, check the dryer flame. The color should be blue.

Quick-Tip: A clogged duct can cause you a lot of trouble. For example, it will block the leakage of hot air and ignite the pile. This situation can occur in both electric and gas dryers.

Summing up

Now you can invest in an electric dryer without the slightest bit of distrust. But remember, even with an electric dryer, proper maintenance is necessary. Otherwise, the electric dryer may cause some problems. However, using an electric dryer is much safer than using a gas dryer.

Take a look at some of our articles below.

  • Heat lamps consume a lot of electricity
  • How to check the heating element without a multimeter
  • How to check the oven with a multimeter

Video links

Gas vs Electric Dryers | Pros & Cons + Which is Better?

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