Electric or hybrid car - what's the difference between them?
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Electric or hybrid car - what's the difference between them?

Ecology is becoming more and more important and is being given a lot of attention. That is why many people are starting to wonder which is better an electric car or a hybrid car. Which car to choose in order to be able to fully enjoy an environmentally friendly, but at the same time comfortable vehicle? The answer to the question “hybrid or electric?” it's not easy at all. 

Hybrid or electric car? engine difference

Are you wondering whether to choose an electric or hybrid car? First, you must know the differences between them. The first type of vehicle does not use fuel at all, such as gas or gasoline. It has a battery and is powered by electricity only.

On the other hand, hybrid cars can run on electricity as well as gasoline or gas. You will find those on the market that are powered by electricity only when starting up, or those that can be switched to electricity or another power source. What are the other pros and cons of hybrid vs electric cars?

Hybrid vs electric car - it's all about range!

If you compare both types of cars, then, of course, pay attention first of all to their range.. This is especially important if you often go on long trips. The hybrid definitely has fewer restrictions. You can simply refuel such cars and drive on, even if the route is thousands of kilometers long. Electrical is not so easy. After you drive the distance specified by the manufacturer, you need to recharge it, and this takes longer than refueling. 

At home, it lasts for 6-10 hours, depending on the battery capacity. Fortunately, there are more and more fast charging stations. Thanks to them, the vehicle will be ready for further driving in a few tens of minutes. However, you should pay attention to whether there are many places in the area where you often move that offer stations of this type.

Hybrid or electric car - which is cheaper to repair?

If you're still wondering if a hybrid car would be better for you, be sure to look at the repair cost.. Regardless of which type of vehicle you choose, you should consider that they can be more expensive to repair than regular cars. 

Fewer garages deal with hybrid and electric vehicles, so you will have to look for a specialist. Also, these are often relatively new cars, which means you won't find replacement parts. However, if you're looking to keep repair costs to a minimum, a hybrid engine is probably your best bet.

Check how much you will pay toll

Regardless of what kind of car you are going to buy, always pay attention to the economy of operation. This is nothing more than how much it will cost to drive a certain route with a given model. Always check how long the hybrid burns and how much it will cost you to charge the electrics. Usually the second option is much cheaper. The operation of an electric car can even be several times cheaper than in the case of classic cars! Not surprisingly, electric vehicles are becoming more and more popular. 

Electric or hybrid car - which car is best for you?

An electric car is a good choice for people who move around the city and for short distances. Hybrid cars are a little different. This is the best option if you care about the environment and economy, but often travel on longer routes.

Both hybrid and electric vehicles have their advantages and disadvantages. When making your choice, check the range of the given EV model and how exactly the hybrid you choose is powered. This will make it easier for you to make an informed decision when it comes to buying a new eco-friendly car!

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