Electromobility: Establishing the First Battery Research Network
Electric cars

Electromobility: Establishing the First Battery Research Network

Electromobility: Establishing the First Battery Research Network

Le Ministry of Higher Education and Science recently announced news that should make a breakthrough in the field of electromobility. Indeed, this French government agency submitted creation of the first battery research and technology network, which should see the light of day this summer.

The news was greeted with great enthusiasm because one of the main concerns of an electric vehicle is indeed the battery (cost and range).

The principle behind this new network is to bring together several participants in public researchin particular CNRS, CEA, IFP, INERIS and LCPC-INRETS, and the private sector, thanks to ANCRE (National Alliance for the Coordination of Energy Research). The target of the grouping will be to accelerate the level of development and innovation in the battery sector it will also be challenged to meet the ever-growing demand for batteries, which is a direct consequence of the increased production and marketing of electric vehicles.

When asked about this new network in France, key stakeholders responded that the transfer of knowledge from laboratories to industry will take much less time thanks to this system, because there will be many more partners working together on this task. According to the first information collected, the network will be based on two research centers ; the former will be responsible for exploring new battery concepts as well as high performance materials, while the latter will be responsible for testing and validating the concepts presented by the first center.

source: caradisiac

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