Electric vehicles: what steps do you need to take to get a gray card?
Electric cars

Electric vehicles: what steps do you need to take to get a gray card?

When buying a car, be sure to update your documents. Of course, the vehicle registration document remains the most important document and it is very important that steps are taken to obtain it correctly. But what are they when the car is electric? How to get your electric vehicle gray card?

How do I get a gray electric vehicle card?

To obtain a vehicle registration document, you must go through the usual procedures (the same as for diesel and gasoline vehicles) from the government (ANTS) or from a specialist such as Portail-cartegrise.fr (an online service for registering documents for automobile). electric car). The procedures are the same and must be done directly online. It is no longer possible to go to the prefecture for this. It will ask for information about the owner (s) of the vehicle, as well as the main elements of the latter. At the end of the process, the price of the vehicle registration document will be calculated automatically according to your region, vehicle engine and some other elements.

Deadlines for submission and acceptance of applications

Then, after payment and confirmation in the relevant departments, you will receive a registration card in a few days by mail. The deadlines are fast and in the meantime you will be able to drive with confirmation of your registration application. This document must be presented in the event of a police check and to confirm that your final registration card is being printed.

Please note that after purchasing a vehicle, electric or not, you will have one month to complete these steps. After this period, you run the risk of getting a fine in case of verification.

What is the price of an electric vehicle registration card?

As for the price of the gray card, it depends on the regions. They are the ones who decide what benefits they want to pass on to the owners of environmentally friendly vehicles. Thus, gray cards of categorized vehicles can be paid for at full price, subject to a reduction of about 50% over the regular price, or simply for free! Feel free to inquire about the benefits your region has to offer before purchasing a vehicle.

However, it should be pointed out here that the discounts provided for clean cars refer only to the price of the fiscal horse. In the case of a full exemption, the amount of management tax must be paid, as well as a shipping fee.

What documents to submit for registration of an electric vehicle?

To obtain a registration card, you need to provide the same documents as for a classic car. Proof of identity and address, proof of vehicle insurance, current technical inspection, original handover certificate, application for a used vehicle registration certificate (Cerfa n ° 13750 * 05) and a copy of the old vehicle registration document. ... A complete and up-to-date file is quickly processed by the administration. Be sure to collect all documents in the proper form to validate your request and obtain the registration document for your electric vehicle as soon as possible.

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