Electric bike: Europe proposes to make insurance compulsory
Individual electric transport

Electric bike: Europe proposes to make insurance compulsory

Electric bike: Europe proposes to make insurance compulsory

The European Commission wants to make it compulsory to insure 25 km / h electric bicycles. A Community Regulation that, if approved, risks causing great harm to a rapidly developing market.

Will third party insurance for e-bikes become mandatory any time soon? Although it is yet to be approved by Parliament and the European Council, this proposal is realistic and was formulated by the European Commission as part of the revision of the Vehicle Insurance Directive (MID).

Millions of illegal cyclists

« If this proposal becomes law, there will be a need for liability insurance, which will force millions of European citizens to abandon the use of an electric bike. "Concerns the European Cyclists' Federation, which condemns the measures to ensure that" undermine efforts and investments »From several member states, but also from the European Union to promote alternative vehicles to personal cars.

« With this text, the European Commission is trying to criminalize millions of electric bike users, almost all of whom have different insurance, and seeks to ban the use of uninsured pedals, which is usually the case for cars. "The federation continues. The proposal is all the more unfair since it will only affect e-bikes, and the classic "muscle" models remain outside the scope of the obligation.

Let us now hope that the Commission will come to its senses and that this proposal will be refuted during the upcoming discussions in Parliament and in the European Council. Otherwise, this measure could scare off many potential users. Which gives a hell of a brake on a sector that is still in full swing.

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