2021 Premium E-Bike Purchase Bonus Details
Individual electric transport

2021 Premium E-Bike Purchase Bonus Details

2021 Premium E-Bike Purchase Bonus Details

Installed from February 19, 2017 and reformed on February 1, 2018, the price of an electric bike in 2021 could be as high as € 200. It is for tax-free people.

How much does a premium electric bike cost?

The premium for the purchase of electric bicycles in 2021, which is considered to be an aid similar to the “environmental bonus” awarded to private and light commercial vehicles, is € 200, up to 20% of the purchase price inclusive of taxes.

What types of vehicles are affected?

According to the decree, assistance concerns purchase of auxiliary pedaling cycles without the use of lead-acid batteries.

The bicycles concerned must comply with Article R.311-1 of the Road Traffic Regulations, which defines as an auxiliary pedaling cycle any cycle equipped with an electric auxiliary motor with a maximum continuous rated power of 0,25 kilowatts, including the power gradually reduced and finally interrupted. when the vehicle reaches 25 km / h or earlier if the cyclist stops pedaling.

Electric scooters, segways and electric unicycle are not eligible for this assistance.

Who is affected by help buying an e-bike?

As of February 1, 2018, the electric bike bonus has expanded with the introduction of the eligibility criterion. Thus, if the first version was open to any type of buyer without restrictions, the news will only be available to individuals whose income tax for the year preceding the acquisition of the cycle is zero.

As in previous years, the premium for the purchase of an electric bike in 2021 can only be awarded if assistance for the same purpose (purchase of an electric bike) has been issued by the local authority.

How do I get my electric bike subsidy?

In France, the Service and Payments Agency (ASP) manages the payment of the bonus for the electric bike. To facilitate the procedures for users, a dedicated internet portal is offered where applicants can apply for the prize.

To be valid, each request must be accompanied by:

  • Less than three months' proof proving the existence of a domicile or establishment in France,
  • A copy of the identity document,
  • A copy of the invoice for the pedaling assist cycle showing the make, model, battery chemistry and possibly the serial number of the bike.

Warning: Make sure the invoice is published in the name of the applicant under threat of rejection.

Can a premium electric bike be paired with local help?

Yes, and it even became a mandatory criterion for awarding a bonus.


  • Local assistance and subsidies for the purchase of an electric bike

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