Is there a difference between fast and early speed switching?
Articles,  Machine operation

Is there a difference between fast and early speed switching?

At first glance, it may seem that the “early” and “fast” gear changes mean the same thing. In fact, these are two completely different terms, each of which has different effects.

Early gear shift

Early shifting is a term used to shift into a higher gear in time. The most ideal indicator is before the engine reaches maximum speed.

Is there a difference between fast and early speed switching?

When performing this action, the driver does not use the motor at full power, which he can develop. Because of this, acceleration cannot be as fast as possible in the case of this vehicle.

On the other hand, fewer revolutions result in fuel economy. When you switch early, you can drive very economically. This type of driving is also called low speed driving because only the lower part of the vehicle’s speed range is used.

Quick gear shift

When we talk about fast switching, we mean a different type of technique. You can learn this style. The bottom line is to switch speed without taking your foot off the gas pedal. When the driver depresses the clutch pedal, the effect of rebounding appears (engine speed does not decrease, but is kept at the maximum level).

Is there a difference between fast and early speed switching?

When using this technique, you need to clearly catch the speed limit at which you can switch. Otherwise, the box will experience excessive load when the next gear is engaged. Find the balance between acceleration and grip. Only then can a quick switch benefit you.

If you want to quickly accelerate on the highway, this skill is useful. The car accelerates more efficiently when there is practically no temporary pit between the two gears, which usually happens when driving economically.

Is there a difference between fast and early speed switching?

On modern cars it is easier to perform such an operation than on older ones. The lever stroke of modern gearboxes is shorter, and the clutch responds better. If you feel that after switching gears the car lacks dynamics, you should return to one gear and bring the engine speed to a level where there will be more return from the box.

What to consider

Of course, the degree of acceleration of a machine depends on engine power. Motors with a small volume wear out faster, because to quickly accelerate heavy vehicles, it is often necessary to increase speed.

Is there a difference between fast and early speed switching?

At high speeds of rotation of the crankshaft, fuel consumption increases. Driving at speeds in excess of 130 km / h can result in up to 50% above average consumption. Keep this in mind when planning a quick trip between two points.

It is important to remember safety. Fast shifting and fast driving increase the risk for you and other road users. This type of shift should not be used in normal driving. Its use is recommended on an empty road in dry weather and only during the day.

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