These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.
Interesting articles

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

One of our greatest resources in life is the people we surround ourselves with, or in this case, the people we look up to online. There are geniuses among us, and we have a lot to learn from them.

Luckily, people love sharing their genius tricks and hacks on social media, so it's easy to learn how to sneak snacks to the cinema or keep your belongings from being stolen at the beach.

Instant cooler

If your kids are about to start a fight in the back seat and you need to feed them ASAP, quickly cool their fries through the vent so you can feed your hungry kids.

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

Just make sure your vents are cleaned regularly.

Little white lies

Every parent knows that lying is acceptable as long as it's for the good.

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

If you have a particularly stubborn sick child or a spouse who refuses to take the medicine, fool them by hiding the medicine in a juice bag.

final dream

Although women will outlive men, this dad is a special breed and will outlive everyone.

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

He realized that you can take a nap in the pool using a tube, and now he can not be stopped.

Always ready for a snack

This woman on Twitter shared her new trick for sneaking a bite to eat at the cinema, and it proves why women live longer than men.

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

Someone else suggested it might come in handy for concerts or festivals. You don't have to limit yourself to movies!


This little boy is not here to obey his parents' rules. No iPad in the kitchen and no food in the living room?

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Challenge accepted and challenge won.

Resourceful AF

Why waste time washing dishes when you can just use the built-in bowl?

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

You know you'll still eat the whole box the same day you buy it, so you might as well save your energy for eating.

Anti thief

At the very least, if you are arrested for any form of intoxication, you will have the number of a criminal defense lawyer ready.

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

The nightclubs look like they're spice it up and turn the bracelets into something that... Useful?

Ready for Instagram

If you don't want to pay big money, but want to be able to imagine that you have these places right behind the dugout, use binoculars to get a clear zoom.

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

Your Instagram followers won't know anything.

Snack for later

One mom on Twitter discovered that her 9-year-old is much smarter than her, and she couldn't help but share.

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

Valerie discovered that her daughter switched not one, but two tubes of lip balm and replaced the balm with cheese eat during class. Incredible.

The best way to get your kids to do their housework

It's a bit tedious to change your Wi-Fi password every single day, but mom isn't here to mess around anymore.

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

What if she doesn't even change the password, but just turns the router on and off?

Impromptu nail salon

If your dog or cat hates having their nails trimmed or is overly concerned about going to the pet store, this person has a solution.

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

We're not sure if this will work with your St. Bernard, but please try it and take a photo...

Make it easier for yourself

You know you'll probably end up drinking the entire cartoon in one sitting, so make it easy for yourself and replace the regular lid with a Gatorade lid to make a chocolate milk non-spill cup.

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

This is efficiency at its finest.

pizza box

This pizza making company makes your life easier by giving you a smaller box in a regular pizza box so you can store leftovers without hassle.

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

We prefer to eat the whole pizza each time so we don't have to deal with leftovers!

In case you ever need a little time to work up your courage

Found a guy/girl who you are very interested in, but you can't muster up the courage to talk to them? No problem!

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

Just remember to bring some string and balloons with you so you can tie them to the person so you can find them later!

Dads are the laziest geniuses

Kids come in second place, but dads take the top prize when it comes to finding the easiest solution to work with. Dads all want to sit back, relax and enjoy a drink.

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

But they have these annoying things called babies that need constant attention. This man's swing string is the easiest way out.

Food without hands

This couple really lives in 3019. While all of us peasants here are trying to balance our plate of food at the buffet and hold on to our drink, they've found a hands-free solution.

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

Now they can carry twice as much food and always have a drink ready.

Distracted Passengers

If you're in the passenger seat, you're generally barred from any seatback entertainment given the lack of a seatback, but this woman solved that problem.

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

As long as the driver doesn't brake too hard, she can drive all the way down I-94.

Social butterfly

Everything in this photo says, "I don't like my colleagues at my minimum wage job and I don't want to eat in the break room or talk to anyone on my lunch break."

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

The best part about this is that if she doesn't want to go back to work, she can quickly just leave.


It's perfect for any college student who's working late on paper that's due in two hours, or the hungry office worker who doesn't want to go to the kitchen every time they need a bite to eat.

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

It may also encourage them to wash their sweatshirt more often.

Decide for X

If you lend your card to someone but are worried about writing down your PIN, this is your decision.

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

This will deter anyone who finds the card if it gets lost, and if the person you're giving it to is bad at math, it will prevent your card from being used.

Luxurious life

No TV? No problem.

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

Just buy a couple of hooks and make yourself a wall mount for your phone or tablet and you have a TV for your next viewing session.

False Eyelash Solution Everywhere

Someone has finally found a cure for misplaced lashes, but it doesn't even work in the US.

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

Thank you for putting plastic light bulbs in your mouth and ruining it for all of us little kids.


These guys understand. Don't waste gas driving to get food if you can just sail there.

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

Do you think there's a swim-up bar in the next window too?

Special notes come in handy

Think about it. You get food and toilet paper, which is a stroke of genius.

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

It's probably not even the strangest request the courier has ever received, but do you think they actually complied with it?

win-win situation

This grocery store sells bags of overripe bananas at a discounted price, and they come in a bag that has the banana bread recipe printed directly on it.

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

You get banana bread and they get rid of their rotting produce.

test track

This shoe store has a test area where you can try on new shoes on various surfaces such as wood chips or gravel, and there is even a dedicated test area for Lego.

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

Dads across America are lining up to test their New Balance sneakers on this bad boy.


This grocery store has a candy-free checkout line so that parents with kids can make transactions more smoothly.

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

Now you don't need to have a "no, you don't need a chocolate bar" dialogue.

Picture Perfect Pizza

Everyone was already at the restaurant where they ordered something, but it didn't turn out the way they expected.

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

This pizzeria, however, has eliminated the guessing game by making a pizza-shaped menu with a picture of each type.

Looking for a second player?

Do you have a long layover or a lot of time to kill before your trip arrives?

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

Just carry your chosen projector and gaming system with you at all times to be ready whenever you need it.

The Key to Accuracy

If you're trying to hang something but are afraid you'll get the measurements wrong, photocopy the item and drill through the photo.

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

This way you are guaranteed to get the correct spacing.

Shadow things

These parents have turned the tent into a sandbox, which now protects their son from sunburn.

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

Now they can close it at night to keep the animals out.

When you want to enter the Spirit, but you are lazy

This house looks like it lives on a street where people take their Christmas decorations way too seriously and they're fed up with it.

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

If you live on one of these streets, consider this genius idea and have the Grinch take all your lights.

This child lives in the future

Kids today don't know how easy it is for them. Now this child has a mobile device that he can hold to his face and watch TV for hours.

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

In my day, we only had six local cable channels to choose from, and we had to get to the TV to change the channel.

Standing in the kitchen for a few extra minutes is too much

Waiting for water to boil is just as boring as watching paint dry.

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

This kid probably spent too much time setting the perfect angle for Facetime... but he spent a few extra minutes on the couch, so this is his personal victory.

They must have one of those really long driveways.

I don't blame this man for taking out the trash in his car.

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

There have been a few times where I have argued about keeping my kitchen trash full for another week, just because putting on shoes is too much work.

Pringles without crumbs

One of the big annoyances about eating Pringles is that they are more fragile than the self-confidence of a college student on the first day of his freshman year.

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

If you apply even the slightest amount of force to the chip, it will crumble into a million pieces and coalesce at the bottom of the container. This hack is ingenious and, more importantly, useful.

Tack for driving on hot days

Sometimes it's hard to park in the shade. The handlebars soak up the heat like never before, especially the dark ones.

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

This may seem silly to some, but potholders will help not burn your hands.

Personal space is priceless

If you have to deal with being stuffed into public transport like a sardine, but you really value your privacy, then this is a genius hack for you.

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

You may look a little silly with a metal cube around you, but that's the price you pay.

TV dinners have changed

This man knows that in order to truly enjoy dinner in front of the TV, you need to have a free table. When that's not possible, an additional toilet seat works the same way.

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

Just make sure it is understandable, otherwise this "hack" is not worth it.

Call the Traffic Inspector's Bluff

To be honest, you should respect such an idea.

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

It takes a while to collect all those parking tickets, but if you're diligent and keep them handy, you can probably go a few days without paying tolls.

There will be no chicken fights on this car ride

For all those times when you need to transport chickens and roosters in your car but don't want them to fight or fly around for the entire trip, this is your solution.

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

You can also wrap your kids in newspaper, but they can still fight verbally.

HGTV but on a budget

The best part about this solution is that it doesn't even waste product.

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

You can still use toilet paper when you need it and then drop the roll to replace the curtain.

Swap a shovel for a flamethrower

Why shovel snow and ice every morning, wasting all your energy before you even get to work when you could melt snow away?

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

Never throw your back out digging your driveway again!

Rocking iron helps everyone

This old carpet cleaner has seen better days and doesn't clean like it used to, so it might be time to start lifting weights.

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This extra weight will help your carpets look like new!

Channel the warmth of the computer into something good

You always complain that your old computer generates enough heat to power an apartment, so why not channel some of that heat into something productive and keep your hands warm while you work?

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Offices everywhere, pay attention if you are not going to adjust the thermostat.

Call it Open Face Grilled Cheese

It might be a fire hazard, but it doesn't matter. D

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

You wanted grilled cheese, didn't want to turn on the stove, and don't have a toaster, so here's your solution.

Reduce your energy bill and natural light

Covering your apartment with solar panels is a great way to save money on your energy bill if you don't need a source of natural light in your apartment.

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

At least this view is in harmony with the windows.

This is how you win a text dispute

After his laptop broke, this man meanwhile had to get creative and came up with a solution that could come in handy in more than one situation.

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

You can end this article sooner than it should be, or you can quickly destroy someone in a text dispute thanks to your fast typing.

Never take more than one trip

One of these men apparently left his shirt at the grocery store, but he didn't leave any groceries, so that's all that matters.

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It is always possible to take them all away in one trip.

Think smarter

Save back muscles or the money you would spend on movers by using the tools you already have in your apartment to move your new sofa home.

These people are clearly smarter than we'll ever be.

Maybe that's what bikes have always been designed for.

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