This study confirms the benefits of electric bicycles for health.
Individual electric transport

This study confirms the benefits of electric bicycles for health.

This study confirms the benefits of electric bicycles for health.

Increase your heart rate, improve endurance ... researchers at the University of Basel have shown that an electric bike can be as beneficial to your health as a regular bicycle ...

If some people tend to liken an electric bike to a "lazy bike," a study by scientists at the Swiss University of Basel just proved otherwise.

To reach this conclusion, the researchers used Operation Bicycle to Work, which offers volunteers the opportunity to trade their car for a month for a bike (electric or not).

The study, led by a professor of sports medicine, lasted four weeks and aimed to assess the physical activity provided by users by comparing those who use electric bicycles with those who use regular bicycles.

Thirty volunteers, selected for their overweight and physical inactivity, answered the call. For the testers, the goal was simple: ride at least 6 kilometers a day and that's at least three days a week, half of which are equipped with e-bikes and the other with classic ones.

Similar improvements

During the observation period, the study observed a "moderate" change in the physical condition of the participants, with an improvement in endurance of about 10%. Decreased oxygen consumption, improved heart rate ... the researchers found similar results in the two groups.

The study also found that electric bike users tend to ride faster and achieve greater elevation differences.

“The e-bike can improve motivation and help overweight people maintain regular physical activity,” notes the author of the report, who believes that “heavy” users will benefit from “constant” improvements in their health: fitness, blood pressure, fat control, development ... These are all factors that should induce those who have not yet decided to leave their car in the garage and rush to the nearest bicycle dealer ...

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