Riding with a helmet. Leara encourages the use of protective clothing (video)
Security Systems

Riding with a helmet. Leara encourages the use of protective clothing (video)

Riding with a helmet. Leara encourages the use of protective clothing (video) After an accident with a roller skate in Warsaw, doctors are calling for the use of protective clothing. A 38-year-old man was driving without a helmet, fell and hit his head on the asphalt. He died on the spot.

 “Common sense for all of us is to protect our heads. Most people in competition or qualified sports are required to wear this helmet. If professionals do it, then amateurs should do it, warns Maciej Chwalinsky, head of the department of general and oncological surgery at Prague Hospital in Warsaw.

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– Traumatic brain injury is often a binary situation for the body. Very often, medicine does not know how to help a person, often it is death on the spot, - adds anesthesiologist Yustina Leshchuk.

When roller skating, a slight imbalance can lead to a fall, and then it is easy to injure a knee or elbow. The complete set must include a helmet, elbow pads, elbow pads and knee pads. Riding without additional protection is irresponsible and could result in serious injury.

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