Gazelle and TU Delft unveil first e-bike with fall protection
Individual electric transport

Gazelle and TU Delft unveil first e-bike with fall protection

Gazelle and TU Delft unveil first e-bike with fall protection

Developed by researchers at the Delft University of Technology, this electric bike features a self-stabilization system that prevents the user from falling.

Intelligent Stabilization is triggered as soon as the e-bike can tip over, and keeps it stable and upright at speeds above 4 km / h. A system that its developers compare to the lane keep assist devices now used in the latest cars.

In practice, this stabilizer is based on a motor built into the steering wheel and connected to a steering assist system. ” Technically, it's pretty straightforward. You need a sensor that detects a bike fall, a motor that can adjust direction, and a processor to control the motor. The hardest part is finding the right algorithms for the processor, which is a core part of our scientific research on bike stability. ”- explains the representative of the Delft University of Technology. In developing this first prototype, the university drew on the expertise of bicycle manufacturer Gazelle.

Standard in the coming years?

The next step for researchers at the University of Delft is to conduct extensive practical testing of the prototype. Over the course of four years, his tests will improve the performance of the system.

Although it will take time for such a device to hit the market, its developers believe it could become commonplace in the cycling sector in the coming years.

TU Delft - Smart handlebar motor prevents bikes from falling

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