Where can you buy the most affordable tires?

Where can you buy the most affordable tires?

Many drivers mistakenly associate smaller tire businesses with higher prices. Little do they know that public tire shops often sell the most affordable tires as small businesses care more about their customers than their profits. Here's more on how you can get the lowest prices on your new tires when you shop at Chapel Hill Tire.

Wide range of tire brands

Dealerships, as well as many large tire distributors, are often associated with one or more tire brands. These companies will give you a choice between a limited set of options, which can cause you to miss out on more affordable tires. By remaining unbiased in our approach, small tire businesses can provide you with the complete information you need to make the right decision. 

Transparent everyday low prices

The easiest way to get low prices on new tires is to compare all the tires available for your car, their features and prices; however, this requires transparent tire pricing, open pricing, and optional tire information:

Transparent tire prices

When buying new tires, keep a close eye on pricing transparency. If a company hides the prices of their tires, you should take the time to wonder what they are hiding. If their prices are affordable, they'll want to share that information with buyers, right? 

Transparent pricing outdoors

It's also important to focus on the out-of-home price, not just the tire price. The price you see online most likely does not include the cost of professional tire fitting. New tires require careful mounting and balancing, without which they will experience uneven wear and wear on the road. Some tire dealers or distributors make up for "low" tire prices with high overheads. If they tell you the price of the tires but hide their setup fees, taxes, and sales price, you may still feel cheated when you get the bill. 

Price without obligation

Another way tire stores and dealerships hide their prices is by asking for an email address or phone number to view pricing information. They bore customers by requiring them to answer extensive questions about their vehicle, location, tire size, and tire preference. Once their tire price selection is available, they require customers to provide their phone number or email address before viewing the results. Customers often give in to these higher prices so as not to continue this difficult tire search. But your tire search doesn't have to be tedious or complicated. Companies like Chapel Hill Tire will give you tire prices without asking you for any information. 

Here at Chapel Hill Tire, our online tire finder gives you information about every tire available for your vehicle. This includes various brands, tire costs, features, and outdoor prices. Unlike other companies, we don't hide our tire costs or require your information to make purchases.

Long term tire savings

Using the Tire Finder tool, you can view the warranties that come with each tire. Many (but not all) manufacturers offer free warranties to keep you from buying a lemon tire. By shopping with this in mind, you can help find tires that offer long-term savings. 

The Tire Finder also gives you pricing information and additional protection coverage available for your new tires. This can provide long-term savings if you run into any tire issues, including free puncture repairs, tire balancing, and tire refills. 

Best Price Guarantee: The Secret to Affordable Tires

In addition to our transparent daily low prices, Chapel Hill Tire has taken affordability to the next level with our Best Price Guarantee. As part of this deal, we will beat any competitor's lower price by 10%. This will give you the confidence that you are getting the lowest price on your new tires.

Chapel Hill Tires | New tires near me

If you are looking for new tires at an affordable price, Chapel Hill Tire is here to help. You can conveniently buy new tires right here online. When you're ready, have new tires installed at your nearest Chapel Hill Tire service center in Raleigh, Durham, Apex, Carrborough, or Chapel Hill. Book an appointment today or give us a call to get started!

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