How Long Do Electric Fireplaces Last?
Tools and Tips

How Long Do Electric Fireplaces Last?

In this article, I will teach you how long electric fireplaces last and the nuances to determine how to evaluate.

In general, electric fireplaces can last anywhere from 2 to 20 years; the range is so big because it depends directly on the quality of your product, its parts, and your usage.

I will detail below.

How long can an electric fireplace last?

Some parts have a service life of 2 to 20 years. However, as a rule, you can operate electric fireplaces for as long as possible (up to 20 years) if you follow all the manufacturer's maintenance recommendations. For some cheaper models with economy parts, such as those from some private labels that ship on Amazon, you can find parts with a much shorter lifespan, so it's usually suggested to go for warranted brands.

Here's a view of the warranties for the most common models so you can see when those manufacturers think they're most likely to break down.

Duraflame1 yearNapoleon2 yearsDimplex1 year
RWFLAME1 yearreal flame1 yearDimplex2 years
Lovers2 yearsRemy2 yearsFeeling the fire1 year
The evolution of fires1 yearSierra Flame2 yearsmodern flame2 years
Firenado1 yearSouth Ent.1 yearSimplefire1 year

Though warranties aren’t always a great gauge of a lifespan, they can provide a good look into appliance life. When looking at grills, for example, Weber grills offer a 10-year warranty because they expect their grills to last over that age, and they feel comfortable making the promise.

These guarantees are slightly less for electric fireplaces, which may directly depend on the fact that the client's situation greatly affects its use. For example, let's say you live in an area with frequent power outages or a poor electrical connection. In this case, you can easily fry the fireplace chains, which will not be entirely the fault of the appliance and beyond the control of the company.

Factors Affecting the Lifespan of Electric Fireplaces

When an electric fireplace is plugged into a standard household electrical outlet, or hard-wired into a household electrical outlet, the components of the electric fireplace can operate indefinitely.

Although the flame effects in the electric fireplace aren’t usually a major safety problem, heater problem.

The many benefits of a standard electric fireplace cannot be denied, especially for those who live in incredibly cold climates. There is no better way to warm a house; it would be ideal if electric fireplaces could last indefinitely. However, life expectancy is affected by several factors.

1. Environment

The climate in which you operate your electric fireplace directly affects its lifespan. It would be better if you have a house that is not a victim of frequent power outages and has proper wiring throughout the house. Sometimes surge protectors can help a home that experiences frequent power outages and can fall prey to power surges that can fry fireplace components.

Lack of proper grounding in the home can also be a problem that can cause components to burn out.

It is also important to know where you will install the fireplace in your room and how you will turn it on (often or infrequently).

2. Care and maintenance

It is very important to properly use an electric fireplace in order to prolong its life. In order for the device to work properly, it is necessary to clean it and the filters inside it. If you do not know how to operate an electric fireplace in order to prolong its life, refer to the instruction manual for the equipment.

3. How often do you use the fireplace?

Moreover, the frequency of use of the device directly determines its service life. The more you keep it, the shorter its lifespan. As a reminder, if you want your fireplace to last a long time, you should not leave it on all night.

4. Insulation and installation

Several fireplaces are not properly insulated. Consequently, dust and moisture can enter and the load on the equipment will increase. Make sure the device is properly installed and isolated. 

5. Design

Some analysts claim that properly designed electric fireplaces will last significantly longer than poorly designed fireplaces.

Precautions When Using an Electric Fireplace

The instruction manual for your specific fireplace model lists the recommended precautions to follow when using your fireplace. Not that there is no reference to how long your electric fireplace can run before being turned off.

Other safety precautions that are common when using any home space heater should be considered when running electric fireplaces for extended periods.

Electric Fireplace User Manual - Safety Precautions

Advanced manual electric fireplaces recommend the following precautions to reduce the risk of using an electric fireplace:

  • The unit must not be left unattended.
  • When the device is not in use, always turn it off.
  • There is no need to cover the device, especially the heater outlet.
  • Leave one meter between the fireplace and any surrounding objects.
  • On carpets, refrain from using the fireplace.

Electric Fireplace Heaters with Thermostat Control - Safety Feature

Most electric fireplaces can also be fitted with an integrated thermostat, allowing the electric fireplace to toggle off when the desired room temperature is attained. A thermostat-controlled electric fireplace turns on and off to regulate the room. 

Countless electric fireplaces also include many safety features; for example, automatic overheating shutdown if the temperature of the device becomes too high after prolonged use.

Tips for Extending the Life of Your Electric Fireplace

If safety precautions are followed, an electric fireplace can be used for as long as necessary. When leaving an electric fireplace unattended, it should be turned off first.

Always refer to the instructions for your specific electric fireplace model to determine the maximum usage time.

In winter, use an electric fireplace stove for 1-4 hours to heat the room to a comfortable temperature.

When using an electric fireplace for a long time, always make sure that:

  • You are plugging the electric fireplace heater into a wall outlet, not an extension cord.
  • The electric fireplace is placed on a flat surface.
  • There is enough space around the unit for ventilation.
  • Nothing blocks the outlet of the heater in the electric fireplace.
  • When you leave the room, we turn off the fireplace.


Is it safe to use an electric fireplace?

Yes, electric fireplaces are not only safe for your family, but also environmentally friendly. This is a simple solution. Burning flames left overnight cause many house fires. You won't have to worry about this with electric fireplaces. Ash and waste from wood burning fireplaces can harm the lungs of people with asthma or other respiratory problems. Electrical units do not emit toxic chemicals into the atmosphere, leaving the home healthy and happy.

What is the price of a decent electric fireplace?

Electric fireplaces can cost anywhere from a few hundred to several thousand dollars. Small wall-mounted fireplace heaters and desktop gadgets can be purchased for less than $100. Heating options, materials and some features affect the price.

How about a flame effect?

The flame effect is a configuration that mimics the characteristics of a real flame. The flame effect, first patented by Dimplex in 1995, allows home buyers to switch to electricity without sacrificing the visual appeal of an attractive flame.

Summing up

The electric fireplace can be operated for as long as you wish, as long as the manufacturer's specifications for use time are met. Subject to the general precautions and operating conditions outlined in the user manual, your electric fireplace will operate indefinitely. Electric fireplace heaters can effectively heat a room and may require no more than a few hours of operation.

Take a look at some of our articles below.

  • How many amps does an electric fireplace consume
  • Where is the fuse on the electric fireplace
  • How to test an electrical outlet with a multimeter

Video links

New Amantii Electric fireplace Review | Bespoke vs. Panorama

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