IMGW issued a warning! How should drivers behave?
Security Systems

IMGW issued a warning! How should drivers behave?

IMGW issued a warning! How should drivers behave? IMGW warns of strong wind gusts. Second and first degree warnings apply. How should a driver behave in such conditions?

 - During the day, the average wind speed will reach 45 km/h, and in the coastal strip up to 65 km/h. Wind speeds with gusts will range from 70 km/h in the southeast, about 90 km/h in most of the country, to 100 km/h in the northwest and about 110 km/h on the coast, warns the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management .

Storm on the road. How to behave?

1. Hold the steering wheel firmly with both hands.

Thanks to this, in the event of a sudden gust of wind, you will be able to stick to your track.

2. Watch for objects and obstacles blown by the wind.

Strong winds can blow away debris, reducing visibility and distracting the driver if it falls on the hood of the vehicle. Broken branches and other obstacles may also appear on the road.

3. Align the wheels correctly

When the wind is blowing, the driver may try to carefully adjust the toe-in according to the direction of the wind. This allows you to somewhat balance the force of the explosion.

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4. Adjust the speed and distance

In strong winds, slow down - this gives you more chances to keep the track in a strong gust of wind. Drivers must also keep a greater distance than usual from vehicles in front.

5. Be vigilant near trucks and tall buildings.

On unprotected roads, bridges and when overtaking tall vehicles such as trucks or buses, we may be exposed to stronger winds. We also need to be prepared for sudden gusts of wind as we drive past tall buildings in populated areas.

6. Take care of the safety of motorcyclists and cyclists

Under normal conditions, the minimum legal distance required when overtaking a cyclist is 1 m, while the recommended distance is 2-3 m. Therefore, during a storm, drivers should be more careful with two-wheeled vehicles, including motorcyclists.

7. Include the weather in your plans

Strong wind warnings are usually given in advance, so if possible it is best to either refrain from driving altogether or take a safer route (such as a road clear of trees) at this time, if possible.

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