How automatic car washes harm your car

How automatic car washes harm your car

Taking your car to these automatic car washes is like washing it with a dirty mop.

Despite the convenience and speed that automatic car washes offer, we must be careful and keep in mind that these machines damage vehicles.  

Automated car washes can be very handy when you're short on time, but using a car wash has its consequences. Frequent passing of the vehicle through these vehicles damages the finish and paint of the vehicle.

The brushes used in these car washes wear off the paint because they are not regularly maintained properly.

In practice, with these machines, it's like hitting the car with a dirty mop, but with the force of the machine, hundreds of deep micro-scratches, called swirl marks, form. Over time, this damage builds up and eventually causes the paint to fade and scratches to become easily visible.

Although there are institutions washing where good washing is practiced, some of these places use very strong industrial products and equipment not designed for ordinary cars.

Because washing Automatics must guarantee a good wash regardless of the type of car they have to wash, they use chemicals that weaken the enamel of car paint, in addition to making their bristles rough on auto parts and glass.

There's nothing wrong with taking your car through the car wash from time to time, but if the practice is very frequent, the damage to your car can be irreparable.

If you don't have time to wash your car, find washing at home, who shows his customers the products they use and performs a detailed manual inspection.

support clean car it's an easier task if you do it consistently, have the right tools and the right products to wash your car. 

Consistently, it can save you car wash costs and time needed when you don't wash for a long time.

Protecting your car's paint helps improve the durability of the materials it's made from. On the other hand,

All car owners should try keep the car clean, it helps us maintain the value of our investment and plays an important role in your personal presentation and is paramount to creating a good impression.


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