How does a battery handle cold?
Tips for motorists,  Articles,  Machine operation

How does a battery handle cold?

Modern car batteries are called “maintenance free”, but this does not mean that we should not take care of them in the winter. They are also sensitive to external temperatures.

When the thermometer drops below zero, the chemical processes in them slow down. As a result, they provide less energy, and with increasing cold, their capacity decreases. At minus ten degrees Celsius, about 65 percent of the charge is available, and at minus twenty, 50 percent of the charge.

Old battery

For older and less powerful batteries, this is not enough to start the engine. And after the starter spins in vain, the battery often dies prematurely. Tips like "turn on the headlights in the cold to warm up the battery" (this sometimes helps in case of long periods of inactivity) or "remove the spark plug to reduce compression" are just legends, and they should remain where they should be - among folk wisdom.

How does a battery handle cold?

It would be better to put the car or at least the battery warm. If this is not enough, you can use a bottle of hot water. It is enough to put it on the battery ten minutes before the start to "warm up" the power source. If the starter turns, but within 10 seconds the motor does not even “catch”, you need to stop starting. The attempt can be repeated in half a minute.

How to prevent battery problems

To avoid battery problems in the winter, you can use some of the following tips. Lead-acid batteries are important to leave in the cold with a sufficient charge.

How does a battery handle cold?

If the car is used for short distances and often performs cold starts, it is recommended to check the battery density and, if necessary, charge it with an external charger.

Support Devices

These devices can be connected, for example, through the cigarette lighter. It must be ensured that they function even with the ignition off. This does not apply to most new cars.

Battery Care

To prevent battery drain, follow simple guidelines:

  • regularly clean the battery case and terminals with an antistatic cloth to avoid static losses;
  • tighten the terminals from time to time;How does a battery handle cold?
  • in old serviced batteries, it is necessary to check the electrolyte level in banks (some modern battery models are equipped with an indicator. Red in this case will signal a low liquid level). If you need to replenish the volume, add distilled water.

To protect the battery from damage in the winter, devices such as a fan, radio and seat heating must not be turned on at the same time and to the maximum.

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