Motorcycle Device

How to deal with traffic jams on a motorcycle

Because of its size, the motorcycle has always been prized for getting around the city faster. She stays the most efficient mode of transport to avoid traffic jams... This can significantly reduce the time spent in traffic jams. However, despite the time savings it offers, driving in traffic jams comes with many risks, including road accidents.

This is why motorcyclists must adhere to an appropriate driving style to ensure their safety and the safety of other road users. The law even provides very restrictive rules for this purpose, and breaking these rules subject the author to severe penalties such as fines or revocation of license points. 

A combination of time saving and safety is possible, but there are conditions for this. So what are the instructions for riding a motorcycle in traffic jams? Find in our article the relevant tips that you must strictly follow in order to travel legally and safely in traffic jams.

Practical tips for managing traffic jams on a motorcycle

Here are some practical tips that will allow you, on the one hand, to take care of the engine of your two-wheeled vehicle, and on the other hand, to calmly drive a car in traffic jams. 

The rider must anticipate traffic jams. As soon as he sees a traffic jam, he should slow down and turn on the hazard warning lights. Then place yourself on a resting surface. 

In fact, your driving style significantly affects the condition of your mechanical equipment. Therefore, it is recommended to develop good habits so as not to affect the quality of your motorcycle.

Riding in a traffic jam can overheat the motorcycle and damage the cylinder head gasket. This attitude can also affect grip. Then stop to avoid damaging the car. 

However, you can continue to drive carefully and follow the cars step by step, respecting the traffic rules, or you can move with the elevators in line, following some driving rules.

Reminder of the rules of overtaking 

First, it is advisable to remember some of the rules provided by the road code. First, you must know that The law does not provide for specific rules regarding driving in traffic jams... However, some provisions can adapt well to this situation. This is the case with the overtaking rules. Basically, this should be done on the left. 

Violation of this rule will result in a € 135 fine if the rider is caught by the police. There are no exceptions to this rule. The passage must also be accompanied by a flashing light. to indicate your intention. The driver must ensure that he is clearly visible and does not interfere with the movement of other road users.

Before overtaking, the rider must be able to lean back without slowing down the traffic. Also check for a no overtaking sign. All of these conditions must be met together. The rules also prohibit driving in the emergency lane.

Circulation interfiles

Before any details or information in this part, it should be emphasized that raising the rows of vehicles is an acceptable practice. Thus, it is not prohibited, but should be done with more care. 

What does the law say?

In general, the road code contains no rules regarding this behavior. Legalization of this practice is still slow when it requires a strict framework to prevent accidents. This situation is most common on a motorway or ring road. 

Even if it allows you to go fast line movement is dangerous because other riders may be surprised by the presence of the rider and his motorcycle. What methods should be used to avoid accidents? 

Even if this type of driving is not penalized, the motorcycle rider should avoid being pinched between files by means of a zigzag motion. If the instructions are not followed, the driver can risk his skin and endanger all road users. 

How to deal with traffic jams on a motorcycle

Some Precautions When Moving Between Queues

Simple and helpful gestures are a few gestures that bikers can use to ride carefully and without the risk of getting too impatient. Here are the gestures:

  • Move as far to the left as possible between two tracks 
  • Never exceed the permitted speed limit, even slow down to 20 km per hour, so as not to surprise other drivers. In case of speeding, a fine of 135 euros is possible. 
  • Avoid Accidental Acceleration
  • The rider must also take some precautions, anticipating the actions of other motorists and taking into account signals about the change of direction of the latter. 
  • Try to improve your visibility with a fluorescent vest or other effective equipment. This identification equipment is another effective means of preventing accidents.
  • Use the horn sparingly. If another two-wheeler is following you too closely, it is best to let it pass.
  • Leave a reasonable distance between you and another two-wheeled vehicle moving between the rows of cars. Failure to comply with this distance is also punishable by a fine of 135 euros. 
  • Never forget to use turn signals in the event of a change in direction or turn.

This practice should only be used in busy traffic conditions, when vehicles are stopped, or when traffic is very slow. Removing the queue for no reason is also punishable by a € 35 fine..

It should be remembered that the practice of re-driving up the line can be stopped by the police as overtaking from the right and therefore punished with a fourth-degree fine of € 35.

In short, managing traffic jams with your two-wheeled bike is possible, but requires adherence to some important driving instructions.

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