How long do air springs last?
Auto repair

How long do air springs last?

The most common suspension systems in modern vehicles still consist of gas shock absorbers and struts, but fluid and air based systems are becoming more common and popular. This is simply because they are more…

The most common suspension systems in modern vehicles still consist of gas shock absorbers and struts, but fluid and air based systems are becoming more common and popular. This is simply because they are more comfortable. They are also easily adjustable to suit specific needs, such as the height of the driver or passengers. Air springs are simply rubber bladders that sit under the car and work to raise the chassis off the axles. They are not that complicated, and usually last a very long time.

So, how long exactly will air springs last? They are used every time you drive your car, but even so, you can count on the long life of your air springs. In most cases, you will end up decommissioning your vehicle long before the air springs fail. However, rubber can always dry out, crack, and leak as it becomes brittle. If this happens, then, naturally, you will have to replace the air springs. Your suspension is a very important component when it comes to the safe operation of your vehicle, so you should never ignore the signs of air spring problems.

Signs that your air springs need to be replaced include:

  • Sagging suspension
  • Reduced maneuverability
  • Less comfortable ride
  • Air spring compressor continues to work
  • Air leak

If your vehicle is equipped with air springs and you think they need to be replaced, you should contact a qualified mechanic.

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