How to use the conditioner in the hottest weather to avoid catching a cold?
Machine operation

How to use the conditioner in the hottest weather to avoid catching a cold?

On hot days, it is difficult to imagine driving a car for a long time without air conditioning. Too high a temperature negatively affects well-being and concentration, and in extreme situations can even lead to a stroke. However, it turns out that improper use of the air conditioner can also be harmful to health. We advise what to look for in order not to catch a cold.

What will you learn from this post?

  • Why can air conditioning cause colds?
  • What temperature should I set in the car so as not to catch a cold?
  • How to cool down your car without harming your health?

Summing up

An improperly used air conditioner can lead to decreased immunity and infections.. To prevent this from happening, do not overdo it with the temperature and cool the car interior gradually. The airflow should never be directed directly at the face. Also, do not forget to regularly clean the air conditioner and replace the cabin filter. A bad smell is a sign of a neglectful attitude to this issue.

How to use the conditioner in the hottest weather to avoid catching a cold?

Why can air conditioning cause colds?

Conditioning affects the development of infections in several ways. Dry air dries the mucous membrane of the nose, sinuses and conjunctivawhich causes irritation and inflammation and weakens the body's natural protective barrier. Also, sudden changes in temperature are unfavorable for the body.which leads to a rapid narrowing of the blood vessels. This causes fewer immune cells in the blood to reach certain areas of the body where bacteria and viruses can multiply more easily. Moreover, An air conditioner that is not cleaned regularly becomes a habitat for fungi and microorganisms.who are just looking for an opportunity to enter our bodies.

Don't overdo it with temperature

When adjusting the temperature in the car, be careful not to get inside, like in a "refrigerator". Try not to allow the difference between the temperature in the cabin and the outside temperature to exceed 5-6 degrees.... In very hot weather, this can be difficult, especially on long journeys. In such situations, it is worth staying in the car at a level not lower than 21-22 degrees.

Cool down the machine gradually

Turning the air conditioner on full blast as soon as you get into a sun-heated car is not a good idea. Start with a short airingit is advisable to leave the car door open for a while. If you are in a hurry, open the windows and only after a while, turn on the air conditioner and close them. Leaving a cool interior from the heat is also harmful. For this reason Before the end of the trip, it is worth turning off the air conditioner for a while and opening the windows directly in front of the parking lot.

Take care of the cleanliness of the air conditioner.

As we wrote earlier, an unclean air conditioner becomes a breeding ground for harmful fungi and microbes. For this reason, it is worth regularly taking care of the condition of the entire system. You can use the fungus yourself from time to time, but the safest is disinfect and clean the air conditioner once a year at a professional service center... To simultaneously remove germs from the system, it is also necessary cabin filter replacementwhich affects not only air quality but also air conditioning performance. An unpleasant smell from the air supply indicates that the business has already been started, which means it's time to go to the service.

What else is worth remembering?

Before getting into the car, it is worth standing in the shade for a while so that the sweat can evaporate from your skin and clothes. A sweaty T-shirt in an air-conditioned interior is an easy way to cool down your body and catch a cold.... Also don't forget do not direct air towards your face... It is much safer to place it on the ceiling, glass, or legs to reduce the risk of inflammation such as sinuses.

How to use the conditioner in the hottest weather to avoid catching a cold?

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