How to avoid getting small things and a mobile phone into the gap between the chair and the central tunnel
Useful tips for motorists

How to avoid getting small things and a mobile phone into the gap between the chair and the central tunnel

Annoying when small objects, a lighter and a mobile phone slip out of your hands and quickly disappear into the gap between the driver's seat and the central tunnel? There is a way to forget about this problem.

Well, if you have a car in which this gap is huge and you can easily stick your hand into it. And if the seats are pressed close to the tunnel, and all that the automaker has left for you is a tiny gap one centimeter wide, where even the first phalanx of fingers cannot get through. And at this moment I want to swear at everyone and everything.

And it also happens that you are expecting an important call and, by an unfortunate coincidence, it happens just at the moment when the phone flew under the chair - just hold on - at this moment the drivers are furious and screaming so that it seems that the windows will fall out and the roof of their car will swell.

And when you organized a whole military operation to rescue the phone from the gap between the seat and the tunnel, and it, it turns out, slipped further - under the chair - and landed in a dirty puddle in the rug in general, it seems that the whole world is against you.

How to avoid getting small things and a mobile phone into the gap between the chair and the central tunnel

And how do you like it when you come home and there is no phone? I searched everything and went to the store for a new one. And then suddenly, while cleaning the cabin, I found my old mobile phone and not anywhere, namely in that very crevice. In general, the situation is frequent and not worth the emotions and consequences that it can cause.

To solve this problem, you will need foam insulation for pipes or a water stick for swimming. Cut off a piece to the size of the gap that we want to cover. And then, just insert the cut piece of insulation into the slot, straightening it nicely. Here's some business.

By the way, water sticks might even work better, because they come in a variety of colors. Just choose the shade that suits your interior. And yet, with patience, straight arms, a sewing machine and a piece of fabric, you can improve this design.

We choose the most suitable piece of fabric, even if it is Alcantara, sheathe it with a piece of insulation or a water stick and get a very nice plug that will stop your suffering.

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