How to avoid winter pitfalls on a motorcycle
Motorcycle Operation

How to avoid winter pitfalls on a motorcycle

Collapsewinter on a motorcycle it is more than a matter of courage, it always requires determination, preparation and attention. Cold and extreme weather conditions just expecting a small mistake from you that will prevent you from arriving safely. (2 min read)

Technical problems of winter on a motorcycle

The cold can quickly become your enemy if you get throughwinter on a motorcycle... Sometimes these difficulties begin even before you sit in the saddle. V low temperatures are the weak points of modern batteries, and even if your motorcycle is not electric, it needs to be started. Therefore, in order to be sure to ignite the spark after igniting the flame on New Year's Eve, we recommend charging the battery in the middle of the weekend. Indeed, if your battery is discharged too much, it will not be able to regain its full capacity during future charges. Counteract this with a charger such as the Oximiser 900 that can be plugged in at all times to extend battery life.

How to avoid winter pitfalls on a motorcycle

Also remember to check that the coolant is fresh and does not freeze even at very low temperatures. Please note that the fluid loses its antifreeze properties over time, so it must be replaced after 2 or 3 years.

That take care of your motorcycle in winterIdeally, of course, keep it indoors for as long as possible. You can also wipe it dry if it is wet or covered with snow. This will allow you to keep it clean and better protect the paint, which may peel off if water freezes on it.

Road traps in winter by motorcycle

Your battery is charged, your motorcycle has started, but there are still some pitfalls to overcome! Even wear Winter tires, the road remains dangerous in winter, and the key word is expectation... It will be more difficult to warm up the tires in cold weather, but it is very important to ensure minimum grip. So forget about late braking and expect as much as possible because your braking distances will be longer. In addition, a winter tire, even when hot, will not stick to a piece of ice. So, be vigilant and careful to anticipate the hardships that may come your way as best as possible.

Finally, keep in mind that due to all the factors mentioned above, the risk of an accident in winter increases. Some motorists will not read our advice and therefore fall into the trap. Slipping at low speeds is not particularly dangerous for them, but it is never a good sign for biker... So be ready at any time to meet a homeless car on your way.

How to avoid winter pitfalls on a motorcycle

Obviously, the purpose of this article is not to chill you (haha) before taking the wheel in winter, but to encourage you to prepare and ride carefully to stay safe! Duffy also supports all the bravewinter motorcycle equipment... Find out in our buying guide: How to buy yourself a motorcycle in winter? and our advice: how to protect yourself on a motorcycle in winter?

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