How to Buy a Personalized Ohio License Plate
Auto repair

How to Buy a Personalized Ohio License Plate

Personalized license plates are a very popular way to personalize a car. With a personalized plate, you can share an emotion or a message with the world.

For many, personalized decals are like larger, prettier bumper stickers. You can use them to support your local sports team, promote your company, or simply share your child's name.

In Ohio, you can personalize the message on your sign and choose a custom sign design to use. From these two, you can create a truly unique license plate that is perfect for both you and your car.

Part 1 of 3. Choose your custom license plate

Step 1. Go to the Ohio license plate page.. Visit the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles official license plate page.

Step 2: Choose a license plate design. In the "Check availability of special numbers" section, click on the link "Personalize your own special numbers". The availability page is displayed.

Select a vehicle type from the Vehicle Type Selection menu.

Select a license plate design or logo from the drop-down menu and click the "Search by Image" button to find a specific license plate logo image.

Step 3: Select a license plate message. Enter your message in the "What would you like your nameplate to say?" field. box.

The license plate message must be at least four characters, but not more than seven. Different number designs have different limits, but for most numbers, you can only have six characters.

You can use all letters and numbers, as well as spaces, but not special characters or punctuation.

  • Attention: Rude, rude and offensive license plate messages are not allowed. The message may appear as available on the website, but the application will be rejected by the Bureau of Motor Vehicles.

Step 4: Check for a license plate. With the message selected, click the Check Availability button.

If the message you selected is listed as unavailable, keep trying until you find an available message that you like.

  • Functions: Once you find a message you like, check the preview of the message on your chosen license plate design to make sure you are satisfied with your choice.

The annual logo fee amount and other logo information will be displayed below the preview.

Part 2 of 3: Order your custom license plate.

Step 1: Swap Plates. Click the "Exchange My Plate" button. The login page is displayed.

Step 2: Provide license plate information. Identify your vehicle by entering any of the following details:

  • Information about your vehicle (current license plate plus the last four digits of your social security number or your tax identification number)
  • Your license information (your driver's license number and the last four digits of your social security number)
  • Your personal information (including the last four digits of your social security number).

  • AttentionA: You must be the registered owner of the vehicle for which you are purchasing nameplates. In Ohio, you cannot order personalized plates for a vehicle owned by another person.

Step 3: Fill out the application. Fill out all the information on the special plate application form, including your personal information and information about your vehicle.

  • Functions: Always double check your answers to make sure they are accurate and make sure everything is spelled correctly.

Step 4: Pay for a personalized plate. Pay your personal license plate fees on the website using any credit card.

  • AttentionA: Fees for personal license plates are added to any other fees and taxes for registrations and license plates.

Step 5: Confirm your order. Review and confirm your individual plate order.

Part 3 of 3. Set up your personal license plates

Step 1: Get new plates. Once your application has been received, reviewed and accepted, your plates will be manufactured and mailed to you.

  • FunctionsA: Cymbals usually take six to eight weeks to ship after an order is placed.

Step 2: Install the plates. Once you get your license plates, install them on your car.

  • FunctionsA: If you are not comfortable installing license plates on your car, you can hire a mechanic to help you do the job.

  • A warningA: Be sure to attach your current registration stickers to your new license plates before you drive your vehicle.

Purchasing personalized Ohio license plates is quick, easy and affordable, and can be done entirely online. If you are looking for ways to add more fun, flair and personality to your car, a personalized nameplate might be the perfect choice for you.

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