How can you find out who owns a car using its US license plate information?

How can you find out who owns a car using its US license plate information?

Because of their association with registration and ownership, license plates can be very useful in locating the owner of a car if permitted by the authorities.

In the United States, a car's license plate is an important source of information related to its owner. It summarizes all registration information held by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV, abbreviated in English) or any equivalent agency that needs to be renewed from time to time, as specified by the designated local agency. In a nutshell, it is an identification number (consisting of numbers and/or letters) that identifies each vehicle according to traffic regulations, etc.

How to find out who owns a car by its license plate?

Traffic laws often vary throughout the United States, but they always prioritize protecting the identities of citizens. In this sense, obtaining personal information from a third party using only a license plate is usually not as easy as it seems. According to , "a legitimate request must also include a vehicle number or vehicle identification number (VIN). In addition, the state requires the applicant to complete a special form for this type of procedure, which is not available to ordinary citizens and is intended only for the requesting authorities, as well as insurance agencies, employers and lawyers. This information should be paid for by those who need it.

If the applicant is also seeking information through external sources, they may also be required to pay a fee, depending on which platform they choose. There are several options on the market:

1. Because the license plate is linked to the vehicle's VIN, the license plate can be tracked using this platform, which uses government and multi-manufacturer data. For this reason, in addition to providing technical information about the vehicle, may display title history but does not provide such specific personal information as it is a free option.

2. : This is also a free platform, but it offers information about the current owner of the vehicle. In addition, it offers details of the vehicle's criminal history (if applicable), among other data obtained from the DMV itself, from federal sources, and from insurance companies.

3. offers the same type of information as the previous ones, but in more detail. However, in order to view it, the applicant must unsubscribe. To be more specific, it is also likely that multiple vehicles will be associated with the license plate being referred to, as it is common in the United States to transfer the registration (with their respective license plates) when purchasing another copy. The cost of a report on this platform is about $25.

4. Starting at $40, Carfax offers all information related to a vehicle's license plate. In addition to information about the current owner, this platform offers data related to previous owners and everything related to possible offenses and violations or changes in the information that the vehicle shows (mileage, reconstruction, structural damage).

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