How to stay awake while driving?
Machine operation

How to stay awake while driving?

Are you driving after a tough night or an even harder day? Do you then feel distracted, sleepy, or less focused? With fatigue, dear driver, no kidding. But what if there is no way out and, despite the lack of sleep, you need to go or when fatigue gets in the way? Fortunately, there are ways to do this!

What will you learn from this post?

  • How to overcome fatigue while driving?
  • What devices help improve driver safety?

Shortly speaking

Up to 30% of traffic accidents can occur due to driver fatigue. And, contrary to appearances, they happen not only at night. You can get tired at any time, especially on a long journey. Of course, the best protection is to get enough sleep before the road. If this is not possible, you can use one of the simple and popular ways to wake up: help open a window, listen to music or drink coffee. A break for exercise or even sleep also brings the desired effect. And if you do not trust yourself to the end, maybe you should get a VCR?

How to stay awake while driving?

first of all

If you can you don't get tired behind the wheel. The night shift, a late meeting with friends and a hearty dinner after which you feel heavy and sleepy are definitely not your allies. Even if, fortunately, nothing bad happens to you along the way, you will definitely not have pleasant memories of this tour. Driving with a dead battery is a constant struggle with yourself and increasing stress.

Fatigue can be fatal, especially on a long and monotonous route. If you still have many hours of driving ahead, and you already feel that your concentration is falling, and your eyes are closing, it is better take a break and just sleep. If you are in a rush to get to your destination and are short on miles, use any of the easy methods below to get behind the wheel.

If you drive a lot at night, you also know how dim light affects your concentration. Therefore, when going on a tour, do not forget about good lighting:

Simple ways to reduce driver fatigue

Coffee + nap

An effective way to combat drowsiness is to go to the nearest gas station where you can buy strong coffee, and then take a few to several minutes of nap. Don't make a mistake - it is worth drinking coffee before bed. This gives the caffeine time to spread throughout the body, and you immediately shift to a higher rate when you wake up. Of course, an energy drink can replace coffee, but we do not recommend using this method too often - energy is bad for health (from the stomach to the nervous system).

temperature change

When you travel in a warm car, your body relaxes and relaxes. You become sleepy and distracted. A change in temperature can wake you up for a moment and help you focus. However, this does not mean that you will not fall asleep in the cold and you should not heat the cabin even in winter. The key point here is changing the environmental conditions to which the body is accustomed. So you can turn on the air conditioner for a while or open a window. The latter not only changes the temperature in the cabin, but also maintains air circulation. This method may not work for a long time, but you will agree that a gust of wind right in your face stimulates you.


Turning on the radio will also wake you up for a moment. However, if you listen to monotonous calm music for a long time, it can also make you drowsy again. Therefore, the best in this case would be an album with energetic songs that you like enough to be able to sing along to the singer. The chanting is so automatic that you don’t need to pay much attention to it, and at the same time it is energized enough to get rid of fatigue.


An even better way to wake up is to talk to a passenger. Preferably on some exciting, exciting topic. One thing to keep in mind here is that if you don't have split attention, focusing on the conversation will make you less focused on the road. The advantage, however, is that the passenger will be able to monitor your fatigue by your participation in the conversation.

How to stay awake while driving?


When you feel like you can't go any further, stop for a moment. Take a walk - a breath of fresh air will do you good. You can by the way do a few stretches, bends, or circular movements with your hips and arms. They will also help squats, jumping jacks and even jumping jacks. In this way, you oxygenate the brain and stimulate a sluggish body. You can do simple exercises, such as deliberately tensing and relaxing different parts of the muscles, or pushing your chest back and forth while driving.


Just as a car requires battery power to start, the driver must take care of the charging source himself. Therefore, going on a long tour, timeline for stops and meals. Although the driver's body does not move very much while driving, his brain is constantly working and requires a certain dose of energy. For a while, the simple sugar contained in a bar or a banana will be enough for him. However, during a long journey, you should provide him with a solid, nutritious meal. Simply without exaggeration - so that he does not want to take a nap after dinner!


Are there accessories to help you avoid dangerous overwork situations? Yes! Philips created DVRs with the function of tracking signs of overwork. They inform the driver of the need to rest with a visual and audible warning. These types of devices are mainly used for recording traffic incidents and, if necessary, for certification in an accident procedure.

Not only your safety depends on your shape on the road. If you can't count on a replacement while driving, at least take care of yourself! Until then, let us take care of your car: na I you will find everything you need to drive safely and comfortably. Apart from a well-rested driver. You must remember this for yourself.,

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