How to get bird droppings off your car so it doesn't ruin your paint

How to get bird droppings off your car so it doesn't ruin your paint

It is recommended that painted surfaces be waxed once or twice a year to protect the paint from damage caused by nature.

not at first sight we would believe that bird droppings are a very big enemy for vehicle paint, as they can damage the paint a lot.

Bird droppings are harmful to cars. In the white part of the waste. White represents uric acid, which is the bird's equivalent of urine produced in the urinary tract.

“Now, if this bird dropping compound gets on the car body and quickly penetrates, especially if the sheet or aluminum was too hot because it was exposed to the sun.” “And this is that when the painting is in high temperature conditions (sun and/or heat) softens and expands. Once it cools and shrinks, any dirt, including bird droppings, will stick to the surface,” he added.

If the excrement remains on the paint for several days, it may leave an indelible imprint that will require special treatment to remove.

Autocosm also explains that to remove bird droppings from a car, it is advisable to apply warm water with a sponge so as not to damage the paint.

If you need preventive maintenance, it is recommended to wax painted surfaces once or twice a year so that the excrement does not soak too much.

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