How to Transfer Ownership of a Car in Oklahoma
Auto repair

How to Transfer Ownership of a Car in Oklahoma

In Oklahoma, ownership of a car, truck, or motorcycle is denoted by title. The name of the current owner must be indicated in the title. However, when this vehicle is sold, donated or otherwise changed ownership, the name must be changed to reflect the name of the new owner. This is called a transfer of ownership, and certain steps must be taken to transfer ownership of a car in Oklahoma, which will vary depending on the situation and your role in the process.

If you buy

For buyers looking to a private seller, the process of transferring ownership of a car in Oklahoma is relatively simple, although there are some specific forms to fill out and a number of steps to complete.

  • Make sure you get the title from the seller and that it is complete and accurate. The seller's signature must be notarized. The odometer reading must be included in the title, or the seller may include an Odometer Disclosure Statement.

  • Make sure you have a vehicle registration certificate (must be valid).

  • Be sure to complete the Oklahoma Vehicle Ownership Certificate Application.

  • Insure the car and provide evidence.

  • Get a release from the seller.

  • Make sure the price of the car is listed on the title deed or bill of sale. Alternatively, you can use the Vehicle Purchase Price Declaration form.

  • Bring this information, along with the $17 transfer fee, to the county tax office.

Common Mistakes

  • Do not get release from arrest
  • Lack of notarization of the seller's signature

If you are selling

For private sellers, other steps must be taken so that the buyer can transfer ownership of the vehicle. You need:

  • Complete the title completely and make sure your signature is notarized.

  • Provide the buyer with the current vehicle registration.

  • Give the buyer a release from the bond.

  • Make sure the odometer reading is in the title or that you are using the Declaration of Disclosure.

  • Make sure the purchase price of the car is included in the title, bill of sale or declaration of the purchase price of the car.

  • Report to the Ministry of Internal Affairs that you have sold the car. Use the Vehicle Transfer Notice (you will need to pay $10).

If you give or inherit

The process of donating a car is the same as described above. However, if you are giving the vehicle to an eligible family member (spouse, parents, children), you will need to complete a family affidavit to ensure they do not have to pay sales tax.

The process of inheritance is different and varies depending on the mode of inheritance.

  • You cannot transfer ownership of a car bequeathed to you before the will has been approved.
  • You will need testamentary letters.
  • In all cases, you will need a copy of the death certificate.
  • If there was no will and you are the only applicant, you will need to visit the Home Office to have them complete the process for you.

For more information on how to transfer ownership of a car in Oklahoma, visit the State Department of the Interior website.

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