How to re-glue an interior mirror?

How to re-glue an interior mirror?

Rearview mirror removed? Not sure how to fix this? Don't panic, we will give you the perfect gluing method. Find all the steps to easily re-stick rearview mirror inside.

How to re-glue the interior mirror?


  • special retro glue or superglue
  • nylon (usually comes with glue)
  • window product
  • sandpaper
  • blade
  • marker

Good to know: The advantage of this adhesive is that it is resistant to extreme temperatures and vibrations.

Step 1. Clean the windshield and mirror base.

How to re-glue an interior mirror?

Clean the base of the mirror to remove any old glue residue. It is best to use sandpaper to easily remove the old layer of glue. To ensure good adhesion that lasts over time, it is important to clean the mirror base as well as the windshield. Use a razor blade and window cleaner to remove any glue residue from your windshield. If the windshield is dirty or greasy, the adhesive may not adhere well in the long run.

Step 2. Mark landmarks

How to re-glue an interior mirror?

Mark the place of the glued mirror with a marker. It is important that the rearview mirror is correctly centered and positioned to give you the best view for your safety. A poorly positioned mirror can increase blind spots and jeopardize your safety on the road.

So feel free to ask someone to hold the mirror while you are driving. You will be able to tell him how to put the mirror and where to make the marks.

Step 3: Apply glue to the rearview mirror.

How to re-glue an interior mirror?

Start by cutting the nylon film to the size of the mirror base using a razor blade or scissors. Then apply glue to the base of the mirror, and put nylon film on top.

Step 4: attach the mirror to the windshield.

How to re-glue an interior mirror?

Secure everything in the place marked earlier with a marker on the windshield. We recommend making small circular movements so that the glue spreads well. Then keep pressing the mirror for about 2 minutes. It depends on the glue you choose, but it usually takes about 15 minutes for the glue to dry completely. Therefore, you can stick on masking tape to keep the mirror in place while it dries.

Now you know how to replace the interior mirror yourself. However, if you prefer to trust a professional, make an appointment with one of our trusted mechanics. Feel free to contact the best mechanics nearby to get the lowest prices.

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