How to slow down smoothly (reversal method)
Auto repair

How to slow down smoothly (reversal method)

Braking is a skill. Braking, like any other aspect of driving, requires a certain level of skill. Good braking technique not only reduces the load on the driver and passengers, but also extends the life of the vehicle itself.

Modern cars have brakes that get better every year. Brake rotors, brake pads, and other braking system components are getting better year after year, meaning that braking becomes easier and safer at the same rate. It also means that the brake pedal does not have to be pressed very hard to apply enough pressure to the brakes to stop the car. Stopping too abruptly is inconvenient, can spill drinks, and set a number of other loose objects in motion. Braking too hard can cause enough heat to warp the surface of the brake disc.

The main thing is good technique

The turn method is a reliable way to apply the brakes smoothly and consistently. To brake using the Pivot method, the driver must:

  • Place the heel of your right foot on the floor, close enough to the brake pedal that the ball of your foot can touch the center of the pedal.

  • Place most of the weight of your foot on the floor while twisting your foot forward to depress the brake pedal lightly.

  • Gradually increase the pressure until the car almost comes to a stop.

  • Slightly release the brake pedal before coming to a complete stop so that the vehicle does not bounce back too much.

What to avoid

  • Stomp: This is difficult to avoid when an unexpected situation arises requiring rapid braking, but in any other situation, the turning method will be more effective than pedaling.

  • Putting weight on the pedal: Some people naturally lean on the pedal with the weight of their foot or leg.

  • Too much distance between the driver's foot and the brake pedal: If the driver's foot is not very close to the brake pedal, then the driver could potentially miss the pedal when braking hard.

Mastering this technique could very well lead to happy passengers and unspilled drinks for a lifetime!

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