How to clean car headlights with toothpaste

How to clean car headlights with toothpaste

Toothpaste will help clean a dirty headlight, but in some cases a more traditional approach with sandpaper and a professional polish may be needed.

Car headlights should always be in good working order, as they are vital to good visibility when driving at night, especially if you do it all the time.

If your car's headlights are dirty or opaque, driving visibility will be impaired and this can be dangerous as the intensity of the headlights depends on the poor condition they are in.

Fortunately, there are several ways to clean them so that they return to their previous cleanliness. All you have to do is find the technique you want to use and get the job done right and with the recommended materials.

Therefore, here we will tell you how you can clean your car headlights with toothpaste.

1.- Wash and dry the headlights. 

Rinse the headlight with a cloth and water to remove dust and dirt. Headlights should be as clean as possible before applying any toothpaste. Dry the headlight completely after the prewash.

2.- Shelter around the lighthouse

Cover the area directly around the headlight with painter's tape to avoid damaging your car's paint.

3.- Apply toothpaste

Apply about the same amount of toothpaste you use to brush your teeth to the headlight, spreading it over the surface until it is covered in a thin layer of paste.

Buff the surface with a microfiber cloth. Rub the fabric in tight, circular motions to remove as much dirt as possible. A stiff-bristled toothbrush can help remove stubborn stains.

4.- Wash off the varnish

When you're happy with the polish, rinse your headlight well. When the headlight is dry, apply a coat of UV-resistant sealant to its surface.

How does toothpaste work?

If your dirty headlights are physically damaged, toothpaste won't help restore them to their former glory. But if they're covered in chemicals and road dust, toothpaste can provide a powerful polish.

Toothpaste polishes and whitens teeth with small amounts of chemicals like hydrogen peroxide, and those same chemicals can lighten headlights.


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