How to clean the dishwasher and get rid of the unpleasant smell from household appliances?
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How to clean the dishwasher and get rid of the unpleasant smell from household appliances?

A dishwasher is a kitchen appliance essential in many homes, offices and restaurants. It is an invaluable help in washing dishes after parties, holidays, family dinners or visiting friends. However, like any device, it requires proper cleaning, especially inside. We advise you on how to clean your dishwasher in a few simple steps and get rid of the unpleasant smell from the inside, and how to prevent the appearance of limescale, which shortens the life of the appliance.

Buying a dishwasher - what's next?

Once you have decided on the right model and size for your kitchen, you also need to know how to care for it so that it lasts for years to come. Every running dishwasher is exposed to the accumulation of a huge amount of dirt during intensive use. This results in an unpleasant odor when opened and, in the worst case, scaling. This can cause rapid wear of the device and serious damage. Maintaining sterility and cleanliness involves several steps that need to be cycled through to avoid the need to change equipment.

How to get bad smell out of dishwasher?

If, having opened the dishwasher, you felt an unpleasant smell from the inside, it means that the accumulated food debris and multiplied bacteria are already making themselves felt. First, it is worth checking the filter and getting rid of debris. Next, check for mold inside and for clogged sleeves. At the same time, it is also worth removing and checking the baskets for dishes - if nothing has stuck to them anywhere.

Stone - the horror of dishwashers

Lime is the biggest enemy not only of washing machines, but also of other household appliances that come into contact with water so often. To know how to clean the dishwasher from sediment, you need to understand what it really is. First of all, the influence of hard water is noticeable - it can be seen on the door or individual elements of the device in the form of an increase in white-gray sediment. It also shows up as stains on glasses, plates and other utensils. Hard water, on the other hand, is the result of an accumulation of minerals, and it is these minerals that build up on everything they come into contact with over a long period of time. To prevent the formation of limescale in the dishwasher and on the dishes, it is worth using special detergents with multifunctional formulas for cleaning the dishwasher.

How to clean a dishwasher? Detergent selection

Keeping your equipment clean doesn't have to be time consuming or difficult. The choice of suitable and professional products for the protection and cleaning of dishwashers is really wide. It even includes vegan products, which are a real hit on the market. They not only protect the dishwasher, but also have an environmentally friendly composition. They do not contain chlorine, phosphates or artificial flavors.

The most popular dishwashing detergents 

When choosing detergents for dishwashers, you must protect not only the appliance itself, but also the dishes placed in it. This is important because not every measure is suitable for the more delicate items that often end up in the dishwasher. If you are wondering how to clean your dishwasher most thoroughly, you can choose from the following options:

  • gels and cleansing liquids,
  • tablets,
  • fragrance fresheners,
  • Alone,
  • conditioner,
  • descaling agents.

Each of these products not only ensures that the dishes are always sparkling clean, but above all help to keep your dishwasher running as long as possible. It is also worth checking the composition and method of use in order to know what dishes they can be used for and in what quantities.

How to clean the dishwasher at home?

As you know, home methods are great for more than just cooking. They can also be indispensable in maintaining cleanliness. How to wash a dishwasher at home? To do this:

  • remove all dish baskets and cutlery containers from the inside and wash them with soapy water, then clean the inside of the door, for example with a brush, to remove dirt from all nooks and crannies;
  • check if the drain is clean, pour a glass of alcohol vinegar on the bottom, and then turn on the option to wash empty dishes - this will help disinfect the dishwasher;
  • between washing cycles, it is worth pouring a tablespoon of baking soda mixed with 3 drops of eucalyptus oil into the bottom of the appliance, so that the dishwasher will always smell pleasant after opening;
  • do not forget to replenish the protective level of salt, thanks to which the water will be softer and the glasses will always sparkle;
  • wash the dishwasher with a 1:1 mixture of vinegar and water - additionally, 10 drops of lemon essential oil can be added to the mixture;
  • wash the seals, preferably with a damp cloth and dishwashing detergent (they do not need to be removed for this).

As you can see, there are many effective ways to keep your dishwasher in good condition and clean it. However, the most important thing is to wash it regularly and check individual elements to avoid unwanted damage, deposits or costly replacement of equipment. It is also worth buying aromatic pendants, which, when placed inside the device, emit a fresh scent as soon as it is opened.

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