How to Connect an Inverter to an RV Switch Box (Manual)
Tools and Tips

How to Connect an Inverter to an RV Switch Box (Manual)

The task may seem daunting, but with the right tools and know-how, you can complete it in minutes. Just make sure you know what type of inverter you are connecting to the RV breaker box, which will determine where you will store your inverter. In this guide, I will detail how I personally complete the installation of an RV inverter.

Generally, connecting an inverter to a van's circuit breaker box is not an easy task. Place the inverter next to the batteries and connect it to a 120V breaker for AC power. Then connect the inverter to the charger and connect the breaker box through the negative and positive terminals. Now connect each wire to the switch box of the old RV and remove any unused wires. Finally, turn on all but one of the switches and plug in the necessary appliances.

Inverter location

String inverters are often installed indoors, while micro inverters are installed next to or under solar panels. Typically, owner requirements and installer instructions determine where to place the inverter.

Another factor that determines the location of the inverter is its (inverter's) safety. They must always be protected from direct sunlight and moisture. I recommend installing the inverter in a shady area and away from other circuit components for convenience.

The inverter should be located a short distance from the batteries and the cable length should not exceed 10 feet. The connection is such that external AC power is supplied to the inverter via a simple AC cable. And then the other AC wire transfers the power back to the original RV breaker box.

How to connect the inverter to the junction box

The main precaution when connecting inverters to breaker boxes is that there is no power to the charger converter. You can test for no power with a multimeter for the most accurate results - check ground, neutral, and hot or live connections. Before doing this, the inverter fuse panel must be removed (use a screwdriver). Otherwise, you may think that there is no power until you get a nasty surprise. Therefore, always use a multimeter in such situations. (1)

Before proceeding with the installation of a new breaker box in the free space in the inverter box, make sure that your new inverter fits into this space.

Also, check the voltage in your DC system with a multimeter that has been switched to volts.

Follow the steps below to connect the inverter to the switch box.

Step 1 Connect the inverter to a circuit breaker (120V) for AC power.

To do this, connect it directly or through an extension cord inserted into two sockets on both sides of the room. Also, connect both negative and positive cables.

Step 2 Connect the inverter to the battery and charger.

Go ahead and plug the inverter (connected to the charger) into an external outlet. I recommend marking the new breaker specifically for charge control. This will help you identify and disable it while the batteries are being charged. You will also avoid the possibility of double charging the batteries. (2)

Step 3: Connect the switch box

Connect the positive terminals of your motorhome and the negative terminal of the new breaker box with one wire. Then connect one wire from all but one of the switches on the old RV switch panel to the new switches.

Step 4: Connect one wire to each of the connectors on your old motorhome

Now connect one wire to the positive terminal of the RV and then to the negative terminals on the new switch block. Then remove unused wires (wires for spectators) in the switch panel. At this point, you must reinstall the fuse panel cover and make sure it snaps into place - otherwise it could fall off and expose your breakers to dangerous conditions.

Step 5: Turn on all switches except one

Turn on all switches except the one you left off. Then plug the new switch box into an external outlet.

Step 6: Connect all necessary devices

Finally, connect appliances such as lights or anything else to the extension cord.

Take a look at some of our articles below.

  • How to test solar panels with a multimeter
  • How to check the power supply of a PC with a multimeter
  • Where to connect the remote wire for the amplifier


(1) bad surprise -

(2) wall –

Video link

RV Inverter Installation: Rewiring the Charger Breaker | The Savvy Campers

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