How to Connect a Bulb with Multiple Bulbs (7 Step Guide)
Tools and Tips

How to Connect a Bulb with Multiple Bulbs (7 Step Guide)

Many table and floor lamps have multiple bulbs or sockets. Connecting such bulbs is not difficult if there are clear and detailed instructions. Compared to single-lamp lamps, multi-lamp lamps are more difficult to connect. 

Quick Overview: Connecting a multi-bulb lamp only takes a few minutes. To do this, remove the wiring, remove the old lamp and install replacement cords. You need to make sure one cord is longer than the other two (you need three cords). Then pull the longer cord through the lamp base, and insert the shorter ones into the sockets. Now plug in the ports and connect the lamp to the outlet by making the appropriate neutral and hot connections. After that, you can proceed to install the plug cord by connecting the cords of the socket and the lamp. Then check the bulbs after assembling the bulb ports into their outer shells. Finally, connect the lamp.

What do you need to connect a lamp with several bulbs?

For this guide, you will need:

  • Wire strippers
  • Pliers
  • Postal cord of considerable length
  • Testers
  • Нож

Connecting a lamp with multiple bulbs

You can easily install a multi-bulb lamp into your light fixture.

Step 1: Remove the wiring and disconnect the lamp

To disassemble the lamp and wires, disconnect the old lamp and remove its lampshade. Remove the wire caps from their connection points.

Go ahead and remove the outer shells of the lamp sockets until you can see the inner metal sockets and wire connections.

Then disconnect the wires and then remove them all. This includes the main cord of the lamp through the base of the lamp and two short cords leading to the outlets.

Step 2: Install replacement light cord

Prepare and install a new lamp cord. Cut three zipper cords, the main cord should be long because you will be pulling it through the base of the lamp to the plug. The length will depend on your situation.

For the other two cords, keep them short, but they should reach the center wire housing at the base of the lamp from the connection points to the sockets.

Separate the ends of the wire along the center seam of the zipper cord to make two separate halves about two inches long. To do this, spread the cords with your hands or use a clerical knife.

Remove the insulation covering on the wire terminals by about ¾ inch. To do this, you can use a combination tool or a wire stripper. (1)

Step 3: Connect the cables

Pass the cords (you just prepared) through the lamp. Pull the longer cord through the lamp base and then the shorter cord through the channels of the socket.

When routing cords, be careful not to kink or snag the zip cords. The process will take some time, but be patient and proceed with caution. You can use needle nose pliers to grab the ends of the wire as soon as they appear.

Step 4: Connecting Ports

It's time to connect the short cords to ports or outlets. To identify the neutral wire, trace the length of the wires, the neutral wires are marked with protrusions on the insulating cover. You will feel small ridges.

Next, connect the neutral half (cord) to ground - a silver-colored metal screw on a metal socket. Go ahead and wind the braided wire counterclockwise around the ground screws. Tighten screw connections.

Now connect the hot wire (wires with smoother insulation) to the port's copper screw terminal.

Step 5: Start Installing the Plugin         

Begin the installation process by attaching the outlet cords to the lamp cord. Connect the three neutral wires in the center wire connector housing.

Twist the wires together and put a nut on the bare ends of the wires. Follow the same procedure to attach the hot wires to the lamp cord. Note that hot wires are smooth coated. You have now connected the hot and neutral wires to the outlets.

Now you can install the new plug. To attach a new cord plug, first remove its core and then insert the lamp cord terminal through the outer sheath of the plug.

Next, connect the wires to the screw terminals on the plug core.

For a polarized core, the blades will have different widths. This will allow the user to detect neutral and hot terminals. Connect the neutral half of the lamp cord to the larger blade and the hot lamp cord to the screw terminal with the smaller blade.

If the new lamp plugs are not polarized, which is often the case, it doesn't matter which wire goes where - connect the lamp plugs to any knife. In such situations, the blades of the fork will be the same size (width).

Finally, insert the core into the plug on the jacket. The lamp installation is now complete. Start the testing process.

Step 6: testing

Assemble the light bulb ports/sockets into their outer shells and then screw the shells back into the bulb. At this stage, check if the bulbs are lit correctly by connecting the lamp. (2)

Step 7: Plug in the Light

After checking the lamps, connect the light as follows:

  • turn off the lamp
  • Rotate the wire cap on the wire connector housing into place.
  • Collect all parts
  • Connect the lampshade

You are good to go!

Take a look at some of our articles below.

  • How to connect a chandelier with multiple bulbs
  • How to connect several lamps to one cord
  • How to plug electrical wires


(1) insulating coating -

engineering / insulation coating

(2) lamp -

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