How to get an Audi dealer certificate
Auto repair

How to get an Audi dealer certificate

If you are an automotive mechanic looking to improve and gain the skills and certifications that Audi dealerships, other service centers and automotive technician jobs in general are looking for, you may want to consider becoming an Audi Dealer Certification. Audi has its own Audi Academy technician training program and is the only way to become an Audi Certified Auto Mechanic. Luckily, there are several places across the country where you can get training on Audi vehicles.

How to become an Audi Certified Technician

When you decide to enroll in the Audi Academy Technician Training Program, you will learn:

  • Road test your vehicles to make sure repairs are done correctly
  • Carry out maintenance on Audi vehicles as permitted on repair orders.
  • Work closely with other Audi service consultants, technicians and management.
  • Diagnosing the causes of failures and difficulties
  • Investigate Audi vehicles for any additional safety or maintenance work that may be required

Audi Academy Technician Training Program

Unlike some car manufacturers, Audi Technician certification programs are only offered at authorized Audi stores and dealerships. Audi academies are located throughout the country. In fact, most states have at least one location where aspiring technicians can be trained and certified to work on Audi vehicles. Auto mechanics wishing to become Audi Official Mechanics must complete the Audi Technician Certification Program before service centers and authorized dealers allow them to work on the Q5, S7, RS 7, TTS, TT, A3, A4 and any other Audi models.

What can I expect from an Audi auto mechanic salary?

Of course, no one can accurately calculate how much a car mechanic will earn. What you can do is look at the salary figures for the city and state where you live. Clearly, more highly trained mechanics and those who have completed more courses in auto mechanic school can expect to earn more than those who have not. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) of the U.S. Department of Labor claims that in 2014, mechanics and technicians working at auto dealerships earned an average annual wage of $44,000. Statistically, graduates of the Audi Academy technician training programs find employment in dealerships.

Alternative path to education

The Audi of America Accelerated Technical Training Program was launched in July 2013 by Audi of America. This program is open to all honorably discharged ex-servicemen who meet the list of qualifications. These qualifications include a high school diploma, a clean driving record and three years' experience as a mechanical technician. Audi FastTrack is a two-week program that provides former military veterans with a comprehensive education in Audi diagnostics and service.

Is driving school the right choice for me?

Audi certification ensures you stay up to date with all the latest automotive technology, including hybrid vehicles. You can think of auto mechanic school as an investment in yourself, as your auto mechanic salary will most likely increase if you complete all of Audi's technical courses.

While Audi technician training and certification programs can be rigorous, they are the only way to become an Audi Certified Auto Mechanic. By enrolling in the Audi Academy Technician Training Program, you will learn a few additional skills and make yourself more attractive to dealers and workshops.

If you are already a certified mechanic and are interested in working with AvtoTachki, apply online for a job with AvtoTachki for the opportunity to become a mobile mechanic.

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