How to change the wiper blades?

How to change the wiper blades?

The wiper blades, important for your safety, provide good visibility both in the rain and outside of the time, allowing you to wash your windshield. Ideally, they should be changed at least once a year. So here's the easiest way to quickly change your wiper blade.

Step 1. Raise the wiper arm.

How to change the wiper blades?

To replace a wiper blade, first raise the wiper arm until it is above the windshield. Be careful, the wiper fits snugly against the windshield thanks to a spring, so if you don't pull enough, the wiper can hit the glass hard and cause it to break.

Step 2: Remove the wiper blade.

How to change the wiper blades?

Squeeze the small tab where the branch meets the wiper blade. Then lower the wiper towards the windshield. Finally, slide the wiper blade so that it can be removed completely.

Step 3. Replace the wiper blade.

How to change the wiper blades?

Take a new wiper blade and reassemble it following the same steps in reverse order. Make sure the new wiper is fully turned on. To do this, a click should indicate that the broom is installed and secured correctly. Congratulations! Your windshield shines with new wiper blades. You can drive safely.

Remember to take proper care of your wiper blades to avoid changing them frequently. Clean the scrapers regularly with hot water, wipe them with a white cloth. Be careful not to carry out this operation with new brushes. Apply a thin layer of silicone grease to the brush shafts to optimize brush rotation.

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