How to play with a cat?
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How to play with a cat?

For a person, playing with a cat may seem like just entertainment, while for a ward it is one of the essential elements of their life rhythm, professionally known as the hunting cycle. Knowing the needs of animals, we can allow them to follow their instincts, which directly affects the quality of life.


The hunting cycle of a cat, or how to play with a cat?

In the media, we can see the wrong methods of playing with cats. The most common sight is a very fast wave of a fishing rod in front of a pet's paws. This method does not satisfy the instinct of the hunter.

Looking more closely at a cat's behavior, the following steps should be noted:

  • hunting - this is the moment when the animal sneaks up to the toy and prepares to attack its prey;
  • catch - after a successful charge, fishing follows. This should be a small test for the cat, but not so big that she gets frustrated with inefficiency;
  • fun - after a successful attack on a cat toy, we are allowed to carry it anywhere so that it can bite and scratch;
  • nutrition – fun should end with tasting or serving food. Of course, if it was one throw of the ball, we don't do it. However, when the hunt has lasted several minutes, we have to close it by giving something in the mouth. This is the last stage in which we are actively involved;
  • hygiene care - after playing and eating, cats lick their paws and clean their mouths;
  • rest - the last stage of the cat's hunting cycle - regeneration before the next game together.

The consequences of improper play with a cat

The abnormal hunting cycle causes frustration in cats. This can lead to the fact that the pet will attack our legs or arms, because we have awakened the feline instinct and suddenly interrupted the possibility of its discharge in a playful way.

How to encourage a cat to play?

When playing with a cat, we must remember that interaction should be interesting not only to humans, but above all to our pet. That is why the hunting cycle should be observed. Each cat has its own preferences in hunting, so do not give up looking for toys after the first unsuccessful attempt. So, what toys to use to play with a cat?

Among the proven ideas worth testing:

  • cat tunnels - they represent a wide variety of relief. We can encourage the cat to sneak through the tunnel or throw treats into it;
  • olfactory mat for cats - it can hide a lot of aromas that your pet will look for by smell. This is a great exercise and kills boredom at the same time;
  • playground for the cat – Cat play areas offer a lot of incentives in a small space. They are perfect for kittens who are volcanoes of energy;
  • toys with valerian or catnip - toys containing these substances act as an aphrodisiac. Despite the strong impact, they are safe;
  • fishing rods for cats - one of the most popular options among educators. The rods most often have feathers or tail-like material. The bait moving along the string attracts the cat's eye like a magnet;
  • balls and mice – to promote the activity of cats. Unfortunately, not all students return them to their mouths, so in order to throw the toy again, you need to walk over it. However, for most animals, this is an attractive form of play, as they may rush after their prey.

The most common mistakes when playing with a cat

The most common caregiver mistakes include:

  • using a toy under the cat's nose. The victim should be allowed to observe and then penetrated;
  • play with the cat by hand or foot. Thus, we send a clear signal that human limbs can be treated as victims;
  • no reward or food after the game;
  • leave dangerous toys on top (for example, a cat's fishing rod). Some cats try to eat objects. This is especially dangerous for the rod, as the thread connecting the stick to the bait can get tangled in the gut.

Is cat laser a safe form of play?

If we want to play with a cat with a laser, we must remember to give a treat at the end of the game. The inability of a purr to catch a ray of light can be frustrating, which is why behaviorists treat this form with caution.

However, if we point the cat's laser at other toys, and give a tasty reward at the end of the game, we will eliminate this problem.

When playing with your cat, remember that it's time for your pet. Therefore, the mode of activity must be adapted to his needs, i.e. the hunting cycle under discussion.

You can find more tips in Passion I Have Pets.

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